The 2023 PDR Process: Whilst everyone should have the opportunity to have a PDR meeting this year, Senior Leaders have advised all colleagues to take a lighter-touch approach to the 2023 cycle. See guidance on the 2023 PDR process.


The review is confidential to the reviewee, reviewer and the reviewer's line manager - and if this is not the Head of Department (HoD), then the HoD may also review the PDR form for consistency, to review future plans, and learning/ development needs.


HR will collate ratings data in order to do an equality impact assessment and monitor participation rates. This will be collated by employee number, but all reporting will be presented anonymously.

The practicalities of this means that Heads of Department may nominate trusted individuals to assist with the administration involved in providing this information to HR.

In order to coordinate learning and development programmes, the HoD may also ask their nominated administrative support to collate training needs at a departmental level.