

Local road network

How to get from the city of York to Heslington

Detailed instructions on getting to York from outside the area are available via York Information Connections on the Travel Information page. Transport Direct offers a comprehensive journey planner for mainland Britain. Multimap provide an online map of the City of York.

By Air

It is quick and easy to travel by train if you are arriving from one of the main London airports (Gatwick, Heathrow, Luton, Stansted) or a regional airport (Leeds Bradford, Manchester, Newcastle).

Please click for more information.

By Rail

York is on the main East Coast Line from London King's Cross to Edinburgh. Fast trains leave from both north and south at frequent intervals. There is also a direct service across the Pennines between York, Leeds and Manchester Airport. The University is two miles from the railway station and you will need to get a bus or taxi onto campus.

An online rail timetable is available to help you to plan your journey.

By Taxi

A journey by taxi from the railway station to the University will take approximately 15 minutes. There is a taxi rank just outside the station. The University has a preferred taxi company, Ebor Taxis.

By Bus

You can reach York by coach from many destinations around the country. National Express buses stop at the railway station. More details are available from their online coach timetable.


Visitors to Heslington West should board the Number 4 ftr bus at the Railway Station. The Number 4 travels to Heslington Hall via University Road from Monday to Saturday approx every 10 minutes and on Sunday approx every 15 minutes. The scheduled journey time is 20 minutes.


Visitors to Heslington East should board the Number 6 bus at Rougier Street, which stops at Heslington East before travelling down Field Lane to Heslington Hall. The Number 6 runs approx every 10 minutes on Monday to Saturday and every half hour on Sunday.

By Car or motorcycle

The University participates in a Car Share scheme which is available both for local journeys to and from campus, and for one-off or regular journeys from further afield. Please feel free to check the site either if you need a lift or have spaces to offer in your car.

Visitors approaching York from the A64 should turn off at one of the exits marked University (A19 or A1079), in order to avoid the City centre. Subsequent turns are also signposted.

Visitors coming from other directions should either:

  • take the Selby road (A19) to Fulford and turn along Heslington Lane or Broadway towards Heslington, or
  • take the Hull Road and turn right at the junction with Green Dykes Lane which leads to University Road

The AA provides an online route planner for car journeys.

Please note the parking regulations at the university

By Bike

The University is well served with cycle paths and is currently improving cycle access and storage facilities. Cycle racks are available in most parts of campus. The City Council provides free copies of cycle route maps around the City of York, and there is a network of cycle paths on campus.

Additional General Information

These are available in the Conference Support Office on the Ground Floor of the Exhibition Centre. This is staffed from 0815 hours to 1745 hours weekdays and 0830 until 1700 weekends.

Barclays, Lloyds, HSBC and National Westminster have branches in nearby Heslington Village, all with cash dispensing machines. HSBC Bank and the Co-op Bank have a cash-dispenser outside Vanburgh College and Goodricke College respectively.

There is a Post Office in Heslington Village. The Market Square near Vanburgh College includes a supermarket, bookshop and other retail outlets.

There is a regular bus service operating between Heslington Campus and York Centre (Route 4) at 8-minute intervals from Monday to Saturday between 0800 hours and 1800 hours. In the evening the service is reduced to half-hourly intervals. Sunday service is hourly. Bus stops are located at close intervals along both Heslington Lane and University Road.

The University has an extensive range of sports facilities. For further information, contact the Sports Centre Secretary on 01904 433854.

These pages copyright © ISCI 2011 Conference. Last updated 11-Apr-2011 Contact Antonia Keung