9:00-10:30 Registration/Coffee
10:30-12:00 Parallel Sessions A (click titles to expand):
Jeanne Nuechterlein (York), Chair
Nick Grindle (UCL)
A phenomenology of a Renaissance landscape: Rubens's paintings of his manor at Het Steen
Luba Freedman (Hebrew University)
The Role of Landscape in Titian's Bacchus and AriadneAmanda Lillie (York)
Artists Representing Water in Fourteenth- and Fifteenth-Century Tuscany
Jon Parkin (York), Chair Richard Serjeantson (Cambridge)
Francis Bacon and the Greatness of the State
Angus Vine (Sussex)
Francis Bacon and the Mastery of Knowledge
Sophie Weeks (Leeds)
Francis Bacon and the Riddle of the Sphinx
Peter Wilkin (Sydney)
Dionysus and Orpheus: The Poetic Imagination and Natural Philosophical Investigation
Richard Rowland (York), ChairPhilip Schwyzer (Exeter)
'Like Lees in the bottome of mens hearts': Remembering Richard III in Tudor York and Shakespeare's play
Kristine Johanson (St. Andrews)
In the mean season: Richard II and the nostalgic politics of hospitality
Lisa Hopkins (Sheffield Hallam)
John Ford's Perkin Warbeck and the end of the House of York
Kevin Killeen (York), ChairJohn Newton (Independent)
Medieval Tropes in Renaissance Narratives of Ghosts
Jesse Dorrington (University College Cork)
The Roman Catholic in Thomas Potts' The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches (1612) and the Book of Homilies (1571)
Deborah Lea (Liverpool)
1633: The Lancashire Witches, The Privy Council & The Personal Rule
Lorna Hutson (St. Andrews), Chair
Jane Pettegree (St. Andrews)
Summary Justice in Bartholomew Fair
Bronwyn Johnston (Oxford)
Witchcraft and the Law
Akihiko Shimizu (St. Andrews)
Ben Jonson and the Vogue of Character Writing at the Inns of Court
Jesse Sharpe (St. Andrews)
Herrick's Law of the Land
12:00-1:15 Lunch
1:15-2:30 Did York Have a Renaissance? An Architectural Exploration [K/133]
What kind of mark did the Renaissance leave on the fabric of this great medieval city? Experts from York's Departments of Archaeology and Art History will guide us through some key sites (including the King's Manor) in search of answers
[NB: numbers are limited - there will be a sign-up sheet at the registration desk]
2:30-4:00 Parallel Sessions B (click titles to expand):
Liz Oakley-Brown (Lancaster), ChairFrederic Clark (Princeton)
Antiqui, Moderni and the Medium Aevum: Figuring Postclassical Time in Early Modern Europe
Edwina Thorn (Bristol)
Thomas Waleys's Commentary on De Civitate Dei and Attitudes to Ancient Roman History
Emmanuelle Lacore-Martin (Edinburgh)
Rabelais and the mock-historical: Rethinking the instrumentalisation of the past in the myth of a French Renaissance
Chi-fang Sophia Li (National Sun Yat-Sen University in Taiwan)
Dekker reading Stow
Helen Hills (York) & Genevieve Warwick (Glasgow), Chairs Alex Bamji (Leeds)
Spiritual Bodies/Material Bodies: Souls, sacraments and the supernatural in Early Modern Venice
Fabio Massaccesi (Bologna)
The Chapel of the Magi in San Petronio, Bologna: Between public and private functions
Cordelia Warr (Manchester)
Presence and Space: Stigmatic women and their surroundingsFrancesco Freddolini (Florence)
Courtly Rituals and Spaces of Holiness in the Medicean Cities under Cosimo III
Chloe Houston (Reading), ChairTamara Atkin (Queen Mary)
Staged Presence: Jack Juggler and the Edwardian Eucharistic Controversy
Jon Mills (Kent)
Depiction of Tyranny in the Cornish Miracle Plays
Barbara Wooding (Birkbeck)
Calvinism and Fortune's Wheel: Dramatic responses to the doctrine of pre-destination
Lynsey Blandford (Kent)
Women between spirituality and materiality in Middleton's Women Beware Women
Suzanne Trill (Edinburgh), ChairTheodora Jankowski (Penn State/Wilkes-Barre)
'My beloved is mine and I am (fill in pronoun)': Queer Desire in the Geneva Bible's Song of Solomon
James Smith (Manchester)
Translating Cervantes in Middleton's The Lady's Tragedy
Sasha Garwood (UCL)
Women and Self-starvation: Materialising the spiritual
Kevin Killeen (York), ChairAnna Corrias (Warburg Institute)
Beyond Medicine: Prophetic dreams in Girolamo Cardano's Somniorum Synesiorum libri quatuor
Nora Dobozy (Hungarian National Museum & University Eötvös Loránd)
The Concept of Dream in Early Modern Hungarian Literature
Liana Saif (Birkbeck)
The Theory of Astral influences in Renaissance Medicine
4:00-4:30 Tea/Coffee
2:30-4:30 At York Medical Society Rooms
Renaissance Law and Literature - A Roundtable and Workshop
Featuring Erica Sheen, Lorna Hutson, Constance Jordan, Subha Mukherji, Andrew Zurcher, and others
5:00-7:00 Merchant Adventurers' Hall5:00-6:00 Plenary Lecture: Quentin Skinner (Queen Mary, University of London), "Word and Image in Renaissance Moral Thought"
6:00-7:00 Reception sponsored by Wiley-Blackwell
7:30 York Early Music Festival: Concert by The Sixteen, York Minster