
Please use the facility below to explore the programme. A downloadable programme is also available:

9:00-10:30 Registration/Coffee 10:30-12:00 Parallel Sessions A (click titles to expand):
12:00-1:15 Lunch
1:15-2:30 Did York Have a Renaissance? An Architectural Exploration [K/133]
What kind of mark did the Renaissance leave on the fabric of this great medieval city? Experts from York's Departments of Archaeology and Art History will guide us through some key sites (including the King's Manor) in search of answers
[NB: numbers are limited - there will be a sign-up sheet at the registration desk]
2:30-4:00 Parallel Sessions B (click titles to expand):

4:00-4:30 Tea/Coffee

2:30-4:30 At York Medical Society Rooms
Renaissance Law and Literature - A Roundtable and Workshop
Featuring Erica Sheen, Lorna Hutson, Constance Jordan, Subha Mukherji, Andrew Zurcher, and others

5:00-7:00 Merchant Adventurers' Hall5:00-6:00 Plenary Lecture: Quentin Skinner (Queen Mary, University of London), "Word and Image in Renaissance Moral Thought"

6:00-7:00 Reception sponsored by Wiley-Blackwell

7:30 York Early Music Festival: Concert by The Sixteen, York Minster

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