This timeline applies for applications for promotion to grades 7, 8, Reader, Professor and Professorial Bands 2 and 3.
The new criteria and processes for Academic Promotion to grades 7, 8, Reader and Professorial Bands 1, 2 and 3 are available online for colleagues to read and become familiar with.
We will start accepting applications on 1 September 2025. If you are ready, you can start preparing an application now.
We are accepting applications for the 2026 round of promotions. The deadline for submissions is 31 December 2025. If you are ready, you can start preparing an application now.
Applications for the 2026 round are now closed and Heads of Department/School are preparing their supporting Departmental Assessments.
We are accepting applications for the next round. If you are ready, you can start preparing an application now.
Departmental Assessments have been received in support of the applications for the 2026 round.
Faculty Promotion Panels are reviewing applications for promotion to grades 7, 8 and Reader in advance of their meetings in March.
The Academic Promotions team are seeking references in support of applications for promotion to Professorial Bands 1, 2 and 3.
We are accepting applications for the next round. If you are ready, you can start preparing an application now.
Faculty Promotion Panels will take place this month to make decisions on applications for promotion to grades 7, 8 and Reader. Applicants for these grades should expect to hear outcomes by the end of the month.
The Academic Promotions team are seeking references in support of applications for promotion to Professorial Bands 1, 2 and 3.
We are accepting applications for the next round. If you are ready, you can start preparing an application now.
Academic Promotions Committee is reviewing applications for promotion to Professorial Bands 1, 2 and 3 in advance of their meetings in May.
We are accepting applications for the next round. If you are ready, you can start preparing an application now.
Academic Promotions Committee will meet this month to make decisions on applications for promotion to Professorial Bands 1, 2 and 3. Applicants should expect to hear outcomes by the end of the month.
We are accepting applications for the next round. If you are ready, you can start preparing an application now.
All decisions for the 2026 round of Academic Promotions have been communicated with applicants.
We are accepting applications for the next round. If you are ready, you can start preparing an application now.
We are accepting applications for the next round. If you are ready, you can start preparing an application now.
Successful promotions for the 2026 round will come into effect from the first of this month. If you are ready, you can start preparing an application now.
We are accepting applications for the next round. If you are ready, you can start preparing an application now.