Taking control of your career
A to Z
Career resources
Resources for career development including development opportunities
Developing in your role
Career and professional development is not just about changing job roles. Most of the time, we can develop and learn in our current position.
Discussing your plans with your manager
Career planning is part of the performance review process. In review meetings your manager should ask you about your career ambitions
Making a career plan
If you do not already have a very clear idea already about what you want to do, then this simple model is designed to help you get started:
University careers
A to Z
All categories
- About HR
- Appointing staff and managing contracts
- Attendance, leave and absence
- Casual and temporary workers
- Employee benefits
- Forms and templates
- Health and well-being
- Learning and development
- Management information
- New starters
- Online services
- Pay and grading
- Pensions
- Performance management
- Policies and guidance
- Recruitment
- Trade unions and employee relations
- University careers
- Working in the UK