Staff numbers and lists
For all staff
Staff list: employment details
See data on yourself, your reports, or staff you have permission to view
Employee costing history
See which workorders staff costs are being charged to
Names and job titles
Names and job titles of all University staff
Staff numbers
Current and past staff numbers by department and staff group
Athena Swan staff data dashboards - for authorised staff
Individual employment history
Review an employee's career progression when considering an application for promotion or pay review
Promotion applications
Heads of Departments can use this workbook to review who has recently applied for promotion in their department
New starters
Departmental list of new starters, filterable on month, staff group and full/part-time
New starters list for central teams
A list of new starters, filterable on month, department and staff group for central teams
Turnover and leavers
Recent leavers and turnover rate
Management information
Athena Swan
For departments preparing Athena Swan submissions
Casual workers
Equality and diversity
University staff and job applicants
HR efficiency
Learning and development
Training information for staff, line managers and departments
Sickness absence
Information for staff, line managers and departments
Staff management
Prompts and information for people managers
Staff numbers and lists
Employee numbers and details for staff, line managers and departments
Staff trends
Long-term data on staffing, turnover and absence
Understand the data available to you and how to access it
All categories
- About HR
- Appointing staff and managing contracts
- Attendance, leave and absence
- Casual and temporary workers
- Employee benefits
- Forms and templates
- Health and well-being
- Learning and development
- Management information
- New starters
- Online services
- Pay and grading
- Pensions
- Performance management
- Policies and guidance
- Recruitment
- Trade unions and employee relations
- University careers
- Working in the UK