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Learning and Teaching Forum

The Learning and Teaching Forum aims to bring together and support colleagues involved in teaching and learning across the University. 

Get involved

Contact Louise Rudd or Gemma Wheeler with:

  • ideas for articles for Forum magazine, as well as 'Letters to the Editor' relating to past articles or current hot topics, or news items.
  • suggestions for topics to cover in lunchtime workshops.

Sign up to our mailing list to receive information about our forthcoming workshops, our annual Learning and Teaching Forum Conference, new issues of Forum magazine, and all other Forum-related news. 

Current Forum magazine

Spring 2024 - Issue 52

This issue is also available to view in a screen-reader optimised format (Google Doc).

Find out more about: Forum magazine

Forum blog

Annual conference

Every year the Learning and Teaching Forum organises the University's Learning and Teaching Conference to provide an opportunity to exchange ideas, and to celebrate and disseminate good practice in learning and teaching.

You can find out more on the conference event page and on the Forum blog.

Events and workshops

Learning and Teaching Forum Knowledge Exchange • Thursday 20 June 2024 • 9.15am to 11.30am • B/T/005

The Learning and Teaching Forum welcomes all staff involved in learning and teaching to our Knowledge Exchange. During this session there will be snap presentations, discussions and opportunities to mingle and network. Sign up to attend the session or to deliver a five-minute talk on an area of learning and teaching.

We will be having a charity bake sale during the break and have booked a room for those wishing to attend the online Inclusive-Education@York webinar immediately after.

About Forum


  • Louise Rudd
  • International Pathway College
  • +44 (0)1904 321545

Who to contact