Editorial Team
Editor: Dee Dyas
Design and Technical Editors: Judith Frost and Patrick Gibbs
Paul Cavill is Principal Research Fellow for the English Place-Name Society and Lecturer in Old English at the University of Nottingham. His research has focused on Old English poetry and the Christian tradition in Old English and later literature.
Simon Coleman is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Sussex. He is currently conducting research on pilgrimage to Walsingham.
Dee Dyas is Director of Christianity and Culture, Centre for Medieval Studies, York. Main publications include Pilgrimage in Medieval English Literature, The Bible in Western Culture, Images of Salvation: the Bible through Medieval Art CD-ROM.
Miriam Gill is a medieval Art Historian with a particular interest in English wall paintings. She is the Director of the Certificates in Art History and Architectural History for the University of Leicester.
Jane Hawkes is a Senior Lecturer in Late Antique and Early Medieval Art in the Department of History of Art at the University of York, who specialises in the iconography of Anglo-Saxon sculpture.
Helen Phillips is Professor of English, Cardiff University, and researches and publishes in medieval literature.
Ian Reader is Professor of Japanese Studies at the University of Manchester and author of books and numerous articles on religion in Japan. His most recent book is Making Pilgrimages: Meaning and Practice in Shikoku (University of Hawaii Press 2005). He is working on a book on small-scale and replicated pilgrimages.
Sam Riches is a cultural historian of the late medieval period with special interests in pseudo-historical saints, gender, monstrosity and the interplay between these areas. She is currently based at Lancaster University, where she is Director of Studies for History and Archaeology in Continuing Education.
Diana Webb was formerly Senior Lecturer in History at King's College London. She is author of several books on medieval pilgrimage.
Judith Weiss is a Fellow of Robinson College, Cambridge, and works primarily in the field of Anglo-Norman narrative, such as romances and Wace's Brut.
Christianity and Culture is very grateful to the following contributors for information and generous permission to use images. Institutions: Confraternity of St James; Dean and Chapter Canterbury; Dean and Chapter Westminster; Dean and Chapter, York; the Guardians of the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham; The Iona Community; Lambeth Palace Library; National Roman Catholic Shrine, Walsingham
Individuals: Johan Bergstrom-Allen; Sarah Blick; Crispin Branfoot; Dee Dyas; Judith Frost; Patrick Gibbs; David Griffith; Jane Hawkes; Wayne Hellman, Paul Kline; Michael Krier; Suresh Kumar; Ray Lacey Photography; Anthony Masinton; Ian Reader; Brian Tate; Stephen Travis; Jonathan Wooding
Help & Advice
Special thanks are also due to the following people for their help and advice:
Clare Brown and Gabriel Sewell (Lambeth Palace Library); Stuart Dyas; Louise Hampson, Peter Young and Amanda Daw (York Minster); Angela Prior and Leonie Seliger (Canterbury Cathedral); Christine Reynolds (Westminster Abbey); Nick Tead (York Glazier's Trust)
The following trusts have made the construction of this website through generous grants: The All Saints Educational Trust; The British Province of Carmelites; The Henry Smith Charity; The Jerusalem Trust.
Bible Materials
The text of the Douay-Rheims translation of the Vulgate Bible, the English version closest to that used in the Middle Ages, is taken from the public domain version online at http://www.onlinebible.net
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- Introduction, Pilgrimage in Christianity, The Bible, Early Christian Tradition: (l-r) Dean & Chapter York, P. Kline, Lambeth Palace Library, Confraternity of St James & M. Krier, Dean & Chapter York
- Cultures & Faiths Worldwide and Social Anthropology: (l-r) C. Branfoot, C. Branfoot, Iona Community, S. Kumar, P. Kline
- Explore Pilgrimage Today: (l-r) S. Travis, Dean & Chapter Westminster, W. Helman, Dean & Chapter York, National Roman Catholic Shrine, Walsingham
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