9:00-10:15 Registration and Coffee
10:15-11:15 Session 1 (click titles to expand)
Helen Wilcox (Bangor)
The Authorised Version in its Cultural Moment
Naomi Tadmor (Lancaster)
The Social Universe of the King James Bible
Neil Forsyth (Université de Lausanne)
Milton's Bible
Paul Hammond (Leeds)
Milton and the Image of God
11.15-12.00 Coffee at the Hospitium, York Museum Gardens, followed by
12.00-1.00 Plenary: Lori Anne Ferrell
1.00-2.00 Lunch (Huntingdon Ante Room)
2:00-3:30 Session 2 (click titles to expand)
Ian Green (Edinburgh)
How Scripture Knowledge was Disseminated Among the Laity of Elizabethan and Stuart England
Nick Hardy (Oxford)
John Bois, Isaac Casaubon and the Septuagint
Chance Woods (Vanderbilt)
Between Sola Scriptura and Arcana Verba: Ineffability and Textuality in Seventeenth-Century England
Matthew Stallard (Ohio)
Echoing Ethos: Paradise Lost and the Authorised Version of 1611
Michael Komorowski (Yale)
Milton's Epistle to the Romans: Paradise Lost, the Natural Law, and Liberty of Conscience
Jin H. Han, (NY Theological Seminary)
Echoes of Jotham's Fable in John Milton's Political Writings
David Appleby (Nottingham)
Preaching During the Restoration
David Parry (Toronto)
"The Practice of the Holy Ghost": Puritan Preachers' Readings of the Bible and Classical Rhetoric
Paul Quinn (Sussex)
Which Bible is it Anyway? Staging the Plays of the Reformation in an AV World
Reiner Smolinski (Georgia State)
Historicizing Moses' "Egyptian Inventions" in Puritan New England: Maimonides, John Spencer, and Cotton Mather's "Biblia Americana" (1693-1728)
Thomas Lawrence Long (University of Connecticut)
Wigglesworth, Foxe, and The Revelation
Victoria Brownlee (Queen's, Belfast)
The Whore Made Flesh: Representing Revelation on the Early Modern Stage
3.30-4.00 Coffee (Huntingdon Ante Room)
4:00-5:30 Session 3 (click titles to expand)
Anne Prescott (Barnard)
1643: A Year in the Life of King Saul
Yvonne Sherwood (Glasgow)
Early Modern Davids: Producing Effects of 'Secularisation'
Michele Osherow (Maryland)
Admonishments for a Proud Breed: Reading the Wives of Moses and David
Roselyn Farren (Brandeis)
The Lord's Anointed? The Bible, King Saul and Divine Right in John Milton's Tenure of Kings and Magistrates
Naya Tsentourou (Manchester)
"Weary with my groaning": The Physicality of Prayer and Milton's Petitionary Model
Ayelet Langer (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
The Narative of Grace in Paradise Lost: Re-imagining the Regenerative Power of the Biblical Myth of Adam and Eve
Sarah Mortimer (Christ Church College, Oxford)
Biblical Scholarship and the Cromwellian Church settlement
Katherine Calloway (University of British Columbia)
Three Ways of Reading "Two Books": John Wilkins, John Ray, and Richard Bentley
Paul C.H. Lim (Vanderbilt)
Grotius, Chaldean Paraphrase, Johannine Exegesis and the Quest for the English Bible
7.00 Conference Dinner (Merchant Taylors' Hall)