Bruce Group


Neil C Bruce
Professor of Biotechnology
CNAP, Department of Biology (B/M219)
Wentworth Way
University of York
YO10 5DD

Tel: +44 (0)1904 328777



Bruce Lab - Publications

Selected recent publications

Here are some selected publications from recent years:

  1. King, A., Cragg, S., Li, Y., Dymond, J., Guille, M., Bowles, D.J, Bruce ,N.C, Graham, I.A., McQueen-Mason, S.J. (2010) Molecular insight into lignocellulose digestion by a marine isopod in the absence of gutmicrobes, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 107: 5345-5350.
  2. Sabbadin, F., Jackson, R.G., Haider, K., Tampi, G., Turkenburg, J.P., Hart, S., Bruce, N.C. and Grogan, G. (2009).  The 1.5 angstrom structure of XplA-heme, an unusual cytochrome-P450 heme domain that catalyses reductive biotransformation of royal demolition explosive (RDX).  Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284: 28467-28475.
  3. Sabbadin, F., Hyde, R., Robin, A., Hilgarth, E-M., Delen, M., Flitsch, S., Turner, N., Grogan, G. and Bruce, N.C. (2010) LICRED: A versatile drop-in vector for rapid generation of redox-self-sufficient cytochromes P450. ChemBioChem, 11: 987-994.
  4. Beynon, E.R., Symons, Z.C., Jackson, R.G., Rylott, E.R. and Bruce, N.C. (2009). The role of oxophytodienoate reductases in the detoxification of the explosive 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene by Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 151: 253-261.
  5. Rylott, E.L. and Bruce, N.C. (2009).  Plants disarm soil: engineering plants for the phytoremediation of explosives.  Trends in Biotechnology, 27: 73-81.
  6. Gandia-Herrero, F., Lorenz, A., Larson, A., Graham, I.A., Bowles, D.J., Rylott, E.L. and Bruce, N.C. (2008). Detoxification of the explosive 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene in Arabidopsis- discovery of bifunctional O- and C-glucosyltransferases. The Plant Journal, 56: 963-974.
  7. Mena-Benitez, G.L., Gandia-Herrero, F., Graham, S., Larson, T.R., McQueen-Mason, S.J., French, C.E., Rylott, E.L. and Bruce, N.C. (2008).Engineering a catabolic pathway in plants for the degradation of 1,2-dichloroethane.  Plant Physiology, 147: 1192-1198.
  8. Travis, E.R., Hannink, N. K., van der Gast, C.J., Thompson, I.P., Rosser, S.J. and Bruce, N.C. (2007). The impact of transgenic tobacco on trinitrotoluene (TNT) contaminated soil community.  Environmental Science and Technology,  41: 5854-5861.
  9. Jackson, R.G., Rylott, E.L., Fournier, D., Hawari, J., Bruce, N.C. (2007).  Exploring the biochemical properties and remediation applications of the unusual explosive degrading P450 system XplA/B. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 104: 16822-16827.
  10. Rylott, E.L., Jackson, R.G., Edwards, J., Womack, G.L., Seth-Smith, H.M.B., Rathbone, D.A., Strand, S.E., Bruce, N.C. (2006).  A novel explosive-degrading cytochrome P450 activity and its targeted application for the phytoremediation of RDX. Nature Biotechnology, 24: 216-219.


Full publication list


  1. Schückel, J. Rylott, E.L. Grogan, G. and Bruce N.C. (2012) A gene fusion approach to enabling plant cytochromes P450 for biocatalysis. ChemBioChem (in press).
  2. Halasz, A., Manno, D., Perreault, N. N., Sabbadin, F., Bruce, N. C. and Hawari, J. 2012. Biodegradation of RDX Nitroso Products MNX and TNX by Cytochrome P450 XplA. Environental Scence & Technology, 46: 7245-7251.


  4. Rylott, E.L., Lorenz, A. and Bruce, N.C. (2011) Biodegradation and biotransformation of explosives.  Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 22: 434–440.
  5. Rylott, E.L.. Budarina, M.V., Barker, A., Lorenz, A., Strand, S.E. and Bruce, N.C. (2011) Engineering plants for the phytoremediation of RDX in the presence of the co-contaminating explosive TNT, New Phytologist, 192: 405-413.
  6. Rylott, E. L., Jackson, R. G., Sabbadin, F., Seth-Smith, H. M. B., Edwards, J., Chong, C. S., Strand, S. E., Grogan, G. and Bruce, N. C. (2011) The explosive-degrading cytochrome P450 XplA: Biochemistry, structural features and prospects for bioremediation. Biochimica et Biophysica  Acta-Proteins and Proteomics. 1814:  230-236.


  8. Halasz, A., Manno, D., Strand, S., Bruce, N.and Hawari, J. (2010) Biodegradation of RDX and MNX with Rhodococcus sp. strain DN22: new insights into the degradation pathway. Environmental Science & Technology, 44: 9330–9336.
  9. Fisch, F., Martinez Fleites, C., Delenne, M., Baudendistel, N., Hauer, B., Turkenburg, J.P., Hart, S., Bruce, N.C. and Gideon Grogan, (2010) A covalent succinylcysteine-like intermediate in the enzyme-catalysed transformation of maleate to fumarate by maleate isomerase, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132: 11455–11457.
  10. Rylott, E.L. et al., The explosive-degrading cytochrome P450 XplA: Biochemistry, structural features and prospects for bioremediation, Biochim. Biophys. Acta (2010), 1814 (2011) 230–236.
  11. Sabbadin, F., Hyde, R., Robin, A., Hilgarth, E-M., Delen, M., Flitsch, S., Turner, N., Grogan, G. and Bruce, N.C. (2010) LICRED: A versatile drop-in vector for rapid generation of redox-self-sufficient cytochromes P450. ChemBioChem, 11: 987-994.
  12. Mueller, N.J., Stueckler, C., Hauer, B., Baudendistel, N., Housden, H., Bruce, N.C. and Faber, K., The substrate spectra of pentaerythritol tetranitrate reductase, morphinone reductase, N-ethylmaleimide reductase and estrogen-binding protein in the asymmetric bioreduction of activated alkenes.  Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 352: 387-394.
  13. Wright, L., Sanders, M.W., Tate, L., Fairless, G., Crowhurst, L., Bruce, N.C., Walker, A.J., Hembury, G.A. and Shimizu, S. (2010) Hydrophilicity, the major determining factor influencing the solvation environment of protic ionic liquids. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12, 9063-9066.
  14. King, A., Cragg, S., Li, Y., Dymond, J., Guille, M., Bowles, D.J, Bruce ,N.C, Graham, I.A., McQueen-Mason, S.J. (2010) Molecular insight into lignocellulose digestion by a marine isopod in the absence of gutmicrobes, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 107: 5345-5350.


  16. Sabbadin, F., Jackson, R.G., Haider, K., Tampi, G., Turkenburg, J.P., Hart, S., Bruce, N.C. and Grogan, G. (2009).  The 1.5 angstrom structure of XplA-heme, an unusual cytochrome-P450 heme domain that catalyses reductive biotransformation of royal demolition explosive (RDX).  Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284: 28467-28475.
  17. Falcioni, F., Housden, H.R., Ling, Z., Shimizu, S., Walker, A.J. and Bruce, N.C. (2009) Soluble, folded and active subtilisin in a protic ionic liquid, Chemical Communications, 46: 749-751.
  18. Marc W. Sanders, Lawrence Wright, Lauren Tate, Gayle Fairless, Lorna Crowhurst, Neil C. Bruce, Adam J. Walker, Guy A. Hembury and Seishi Shimizu (2009). Unexpected Preferential Dehydration of Artemisinin in Ionic Liquids. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A – Letters. 113:10143–10145.
  19. Ling, Z., Suits, M.D., Bingham, R.J., Bruce, N.C., Davies, G.J., Fairbanks, A.J., Moir, J.W., Taylor, E.J. (2009). The X-ray crystal structure of an Arthrobacter protophormiae endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase reveals a (beta/alpha)(8) catalytic domain, two ancillary domains and active site residues key for transglycosylation activity.  Journal of Molecular Biology, 389: 1-9.
  20. Beynon, E.R., Symons, Z.C., Jackson, R.G., Rylott, E.R. and Bruce, N.C. (2009). The role of oxophytodienoate reductases in the detoxification of the explosive 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene by Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 151: 253-261.
  21. Szolkowy, C., Eltis, L.D., Bruce, N.C. and Grogan, G. (2009).  Insights into sequence-activity relationships amonst Baeyer-Villiger Monooxygenases as revealed by the intragenomic complement of enzymes from Rhodococcus jostii RHA1.  ChemBioChem, 10: 1208-1217.
  22. Robin, A., Roberts, G.A., Kisch, J., Sabbadin, F., Grogan, G., Bruce, N.C., Turner, N.J. and Flitsch, S.L. (2009). Engineering and improvement of the efficiency of a chimeric [P450cam-RhFRed reductase domain] enzyme.  Chemical Communications, 18: 2478-2480.
  23. Andeer, P., Stahl, D. A., Bruce, N. C. and Strand, S. E. (2009).  Lateral transfer of genes for RDX degradation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75: 3258-3262.
  24. Rylott, E.L. and Bruce, N.C. (2009).  Plants disarm soil: engineering plants for the phytoremediation of explosives.  Trends in Biotechnology, 27: 73-81.



  25. Gandia-Herrero, F., Lorenz, A., Larson, A., Graham, I.A., Bowles, D.J., Rylott, E.L. and Bruce, N.C. (2008). Detoxification of the explosive 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene in Arabidopsis- discovery of bifunctional O- and C-glucosyltransferases. The Plant Journal, 56: 963-974.
  26. Mena-Benitez, G.L., Gandia-Herrero, F., Graham, S., Larson, T.R., McQueen-Mason, S.J., French, C.E., Rylott, E.L. and Bruce, N.C. (2008).Engineering a catabolic pathway in plants for the degradation of 1,2-dichloroethane.  Plant Physiology, 147: 1192-1198.
  27. Urban, P.L., Goodall, D.M., Carvalho, A.Z., Bergström, E.T., Van Schepdael, A. and Bruce, N.C. (2008). Multi-compound electrophoretic assays for tyramine oxidase with a UV area detector imaging multiple windows on a looped capillary.  Journal of Chromatography A, 1206: 52-63.
  28. Heidecke, C.D., Ling, Z., Bruce, N.C., Moir, J.W.B., Parsons, T.B. and Fairbanks, A.J. (2008). Enhanced Glycosylation with Mutants of Endohexosaminidase A (Endo A). ChemBioChem, 9: 2045-2051.
  29. Weis, M., Lim, E.-K., Bruce, N.C. and Bowles, D.J. (2008). Engineering and kinetic characterisation of two glucosyltransferases from Arabidopsis thaliana.  Biochimie, 90: 830-834.
  30. Seth-Smith, H.M.B., Edwards, J., Rosser, S.J., Rathbone, D.A. and Bruce, N.C. (2008). The Explosive-Degrading Cytochrome P450 System Is Highly Conserved among Strains of Rhodococcus spp.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 74: 4550–4552.


  32. Urban, P.L., Goodall, D.M., Bergström, E.T., Bruce, N.C. (2007). Electrophoretic assay for penicillinase: Substrate specificity screening by parallel capillary electrophoresis with an active pixel sensor.  Electrophoresis, 28:1926-1936.
  33. Urban, P.L., Bergström, E.T., Goodall, D.M., Narayanaswamy, S., Bruce, N.C. (2007). Electrophoretic method for assessment of substrate promiscuity of a heterogeneous biocatalyst using an area imaging ultraviolet detector.  Analyst, 132, 979-982.
  34. Hannink, N.K., Subramanian, M., Rosser, S.J., Basran, A., Murray, J.A.H., Shanks, J.V., Bruce, N.C. (2007).  Enhanced transformation of TNT by tobacco plants expressing a bacterial nitroreductase.  International Journal of Phytoremediation, 9: 385-401. 
  35. Urban, P.L., Goodall, D.M., Bergstroem, E.T., Bruce, N.C. (2007). Electrophoretically mediated microanalysis of a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-dependent enzyme and its facile multiplexing using an active pixel sensor UV detector.  Journal of Chromatography A, 1162:132-140.
  36. Travis, E.R., Hannink, N. K., van der Gast, C.J., Thompson, I.P., Rosser, S.J. and Bruce, N.C. (2007). The impact of transgenic tobacco on trinitrotoluene (TNT) contaminated soil community.  Environmental Science and Technology,  41: 5854-5861.
  37. Travis, E.R., Bruce, N.C. and Rosser, S.J. (2007).  Microbial and Plant Ecology of a Long-term TNT-contaminated Site.  Environmental Pollution,  153: 119-126.
  38. Travis, E.R., Bruce, N.C. and Rosser, S.J. (2007). Short term exposure to elevated trinitrotoluene concentrations induced structural and functional changes in the soil bacterial community.  Environmental Pollution, 153: 432-439.
  39. Jackson, R.G., Rylott, E.L., Fournier, D., Hawari, J., Bruce, N.C. (2007).  Exploring the biochemical properties and remediation applications of the unusual explosive degrading P450 system XplA/B. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 104: 16822-16827.



  41. Urban, P.L., Goodall, D.M., Bergstrom, E.T., Bruce, N.C. (2006).  On-line low-volume transsesterification-based assay for immobilized lipases.  Journal of Biotechnology, 126: 508-518.
  42. Symons, Z.C. and Bruce, N.C. (2006). Bacterial pathways for degradation of nitroaromatics.  Natural Product Reports, 23: 845-850.
  43. Urban, P.L., Goodall, D.M., Bergstrom, E.T., Bruce, N.C., (2006). 1,4-benzoquinone-based electrophoretic assay for glucose oxidase.  Analytical Biochemistry, 359, 34-39.
  44. Weis, M., Lim, E.K., Bruce, N.C. and Bowes, D.J. (2006). Regioselective Glucosylation of Aromatic Compounds: Screening of a Recombinant Glycosyltransferase Library to Identify Biocatalysts.  Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 45, 3534-3538.
  45. Rylott, E.L., Jackson, R.G., Edwards, J., Womack, G.L., Seth-Smith, H.M.B., Rathbone, D.A., Strand, S.E., Bruce, N.C. (2006).  A novel explosive-degrading cytochrome P450 activity and its targeted application for the phytoremediation of RDX. Nature Biotechnology, 24: 216-219.
  46. Urban, P.L., Goodall, D.M., Bruce, N.C. (2006).  Enzymatic microreactors in chemical analysis and kinetic studies. Biotechnology Advances, 24: 42-57.


  48. Khan, H., Barna, T., Bruce, N.C., Munro, A.W., Leys, D., Scrutton, N.S. (2005).  Proton transfer in the oxidative half-reaction of pentaerythritol tetranitrate reductase.  FEBS Journal, 272: 4660-4671.
  49. Messiha, H.L., Munro, A.W., Bruce, N.C., Barsukov, I. and Scrutton, N.S.  (2005). Reaction of morphine reductase with 2-cyclohexen-1-one and 1-nitrocyclohexene: proton donation, ligand binding, and the role of residues Histidine 186 and Asparagine 189. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280: 10695-10709.
  50. Messiha, H.L., Bruce, N.C., Satelle, B.M., Suttcliffe, M.J., Munro, A.W. and Scrutton, N.S. (2005).  Role of active site residues and solvent in proton transfer and the modulation of flavin reduction potential in bacterial morphinone reductase.  Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280: 27103-27110.


  52. Walker, A.J., Bruce, N.C. (2004). Cofactor-dependent enzyme catalysis in near anhydrous functionalized ionic solvents.  Chemical Communications, 22: 2570-2571.
  53. Walker, A.J., Bruce, N.C.  (2004). Combined biological and chemical catalysis in the preparation of oxycodone.  Tetrahedron,  60: 561-568.
  54. Williams, R.A., Rathbone, D.A., Scrutton, N.S., Bruce, N.C. (2004). Biotransformation of explosives by the Old Yellow Enzyme family of flavoproteins. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 70: 3566-3574.
  55. Khan, H., Barna, T., Harris, R.J., Bruce, N.C., Barsukov, I., Munro, A.W., Moody, P.C.E., Scrutton, N.S. (2004).  Atomic resolution structures and solution Behavior of enzyme-substrate complexes of Enterobacter cloacae PB2 pentaerythritol tetranitrate reductase - Multiple conformational states and implications for the mechanism of nitroaromatic explosive degradation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279: 30563-30572.
  56. Rathbone, D., Bruce, N.C. (2004).  Microbial Narcotics.  Microbiology Today, 31: 66-68.


  58. Cha, C-J., Bruce, N.C. (2003). Stereo- and regoiospecific cis, cis-muconate cyloisomerization by Rhodococcus rhodochrous N75.  FEMS Microbiology Letters, 224: 29-24.
  59. Hannink, N. K., Rosser, S.J., French, S.J., Bruce, N.C. (2003). Uptake and metabolism in TNT and GTN by plants expressing bacterial pentaerythritol tetranitrate reductase. Water Air and Soil Pollution: Focus, 3: 251-258.
  60. Zhu, X., Larsen, N.A., Basran, A., Rathbone, D., Bruce, N.C., Wilson, I.A. (2003).  Observation of an Arsenic Adduct in an Acetyl Esterase Crystal Structure.  The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278: 2008-2014.


  62. Barna, T., Mesiha, H.L., Petosa, C., Bruce, N.C., Scrutton, N.S., Moody, P. C.E. (2002).  Crystal structure of bacterial morphinone reductase and properties of the C191A mutant. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277: 30976-30983.
  63. Khan, H., Harris, R.J., Barna, T., Craig, D.H., Bruce, N.C., Munro, A.W., Moody, P.C.E., Scrutton, N.S.  (2002). Pentaeryhritol tetranitrate reductase: kinetic and structural basis of reactivity with NADPH, 2-cyclohexenone, nitroesters and nitroaromatic explosives. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 227: 21906-21912.
  64. Larsen, N.A., Turner, J.M., Stevens, J., Rosser, S.J., Basran, A., Lerner, R.A., Bruce, N.C., Wilson, I.A.  (2002).  Crystal structure of a bacterial cocaine esterase.  Nature Structural Biology, 9: 17-21.
  65. Seth-Smith, H.M.B., Rosser, S.J., Basran, A., Travis, E.R., Dabbs, E.R., Nicklin, S., Bruce, N.C.  (2002). Cloning sequencing and characterization of the RDX degradation gene cluster from Rhodococcus rhodochrous  11Y.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68: 4764-4771.
  66. Turner, J.M., Larsen, N.A., Basran, A., Barbas, C.F., Bruce, N.C., Wilson, I.A., Learner, R.A.  (2002).  Biochemical characterization and structural analysis of a highly proficient cocaine esterase.  Biochemistry, 41: 12297-12307.
  67. Boyd, E., Bruce, N.C. (2002). Defusing the environment.  Microbiology Today, 29: 72-74.
  68. Hannink, N.K., Rosser, S.J., Bruce, N.C. (2002).  Phytoremediation of Explosives.  Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 21: 511-538.
  69. Parales, R. E., Bruce, N. C., Schmid, A., Wackett, L. P. (2002).  Biodegradation, Biotransformation, and Biocatalysis (B3): A Meeting Review.  Applied Environmental Microbiology, 68: 4699-4709.
  70. Rathbone, D.A., Bruce, N.C. (2002).  Microbial transformation of alkaloids.  Current Opinions in Microbiology, 5: 274-281.
  71. Williams, R.E., Bruce, N.C. (2002).  “New uses for an Old Enzyme” – the Old Yellow Enzyme family of flavoenzymes.  Microbiology, 148: 1607-1614.
  72. Rathbone, D.A., Lister, D., Bruce, N.C. (2002).  Biotransformations of alkaloids.  The Alkaloids, Elsevier Science, 58: 1-82.


  74. Barna ,T., Khan, H., Bruce, N.C., Scrutton, N.S., Moody, P.C.E. (2001).  Crystal structure of the explosive degrading flavoenzyme PETN reductase and complexes with steroid substrates and inhibitors.  Journal of Molecular Biology, 310: 433-447.
  75. Boonstra, B., Rathbone, D.A., Bruce, N.C. (2001).  Engineering novel biocatalytic routes for production of semisynthetic opiate drugs.  Biomolecular Engineering, 18: 41-47.
  76. Craig, D.H., Barna, T., Moody, P.C.E., Bruce, N.C., Chapman, S.K., Munro, A.W., Scrutton, N.S.  (2001).  Effects of environment on flavin reactivity in morphinone reductase: analysis of enzymes displaying differential charge near the N1 atom and C2 carbonyl region of the active site flavin.  Biochemical Journal, 359: 315-323.
  77. Hannink, N., Rosser, S.J., French, C.E., Basran, A., Nicklin, S., Murray, J.A.H., Bruce, N.C. (2001).  Phytodetoxification of 2,4,6-trinitroluene by transgenic plants expressing bacterial nitroreductase.  Nature Biotechnology, 19: 1168-1172.
  78. Rosser, S.J., French, C.E., Bruce, N.C. (2001).  Engineering plants for the phytodetoxification of explosives.  In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Plant, 37: 330-333.
  79. Stabler, P.J., Holt, P.J., Bruce, N.C. (2001).  Transformation of 2,2 '-bimorphine to the novel compounds 10-alpha-S-monohydroxy-2,2 '-bimorphine and 10,10 '-alpha,alpha '-S,S '-dihydroxy-2,2 '-bimorphine by Cylindrocarpon didymium.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 67: 3716-3719.
  80. French, C. E., Rosser, S. J., Bruce, N. C. (2001).  Engineering plants for the phytodetoxification of explosives.  Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering Reviews, 18: 171-217.
  81. Rathbone, D.A., Lister, D., Bruce, N.C. (2001).  Biotransformations of alkaloids.  The Alkaloids, ed. Cordell, G., Academic Press, 57: 1-74.
  82. Rosser, S.J., Basran, A., Travis, E., French, C.E., Bruce, N.C. (2001).  Microbial transformations of explosives. Advances in Applied Microbiology, eds. Laskin, A.I., Bennett and Gadd, G.M., Academic Press,  49: 1-35.
  83. Williams, R.E., Rathbone, D.A., Moody, P.C.E., Scrutton, N.S., Bruce, N.C. (2001).  Degradation of explosives by nitrate ester reductases.  Biochemical Society Symposium, 68: 143-153.


  85. Boonstra, B., Bjørklund, L., French, C.E., Wainwright, I., Bruce, N.C. (2000).  Cloning of the sth gene from Azotobacter vinlandii and construction of chimeric soluble pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenases.  FEMS Microbiology. Letters, 191: 87-93.
  86. Boonstra, B., Rathbone, D.A., French, C.E., Walker, E.H., Bruce, N.C. (2000). Cofactor regeneration by a soluble pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 66: 5161-5166.
  87. Bresler, M.M., Rosser, S.J., Basran, A., Bruce, N.C. (2000). Gene cloning and nucleotide sequencing and properties of a cocaine esterase from Rhodococcus sp.strain MB. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 66: 904-908.
  88. Holt, P.J., Williams, R.E., Jordan, K.N., Lowe, C.R., Bruce, N.C. (2000).  Cloning, Sequencing and expression of the adhA gene from Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus.  FEMS Microbiology Letters, 190: 57-62.
  89. Walker, E.H., French, C.E., Rathbone, D.A., Bruce, N.C. (2000).  Mechanistic studies of morphine dehydrogenase and stabilization against oxidative damage.  Biochemical Journal, 345: 687-692.
  90. Wackett, L.P., Bruce, N.C. (2000).  Environmental biotechnology towards sustainability.  Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 11: 229-231.
  91. Williams, R.E., Bruce, N.C. (2000). The role of nitrate ester reductase enzymes in the biodegradation of explosives.  Biodegradation of nitroaromatic compounds and explosives, eds. Spain, G.C., Hughes, J.B., Knackmuss, H-J., CRC Press,  161-184.


  93. Bauer, C.G., Kühn, A., Gajovic, N., Skoroogatko, O., Holt, P-J., Bruce, N.C., Makower, A., Lowe, C.R., Scheller, F.W. (1999).  New enzyme sensors for morphine and codeine based on morphine dehydrogenase and laccase. Fresenius.  Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 364: 179-183.
  94. Boonstra, B., French, C.E., Wainwright, I., Bruce, N.C. (1999).  The udhA gene in Escherichia coli encodes a soluble transhydrogenase.  Journal of Bacteriology, 181: 1030-1034.
  95. French, C.E., Rosser, S.J., Davies, G.J., Nicklin, S., Bruce, N.C. (1999). Biodegradation of explosives by transgenic plants expressing pentaerythritol tetranitrate reductase. Nature Biotechnology, 17: 491-494.
  96. Lister, D.L., Kanungo, G., Rathbone, D.A., Bruce, N.C. (1999).  Transformations of codeine to important semisynthetic opiate derivatives by Pseudomonas putida M10. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 181: 137-144.
  97. Williams, R. E., Holt, P-J., Bruce, N. C., and Lowe, C. R. (1999). “Heavy metals”, inBilitewski, U. and Turner, A. P. ed., “Biosensors in environmental monitoring”, Harwood Academic publishers, 663-666.


  99. Basran, A., French, C.E., Williams, R.E., Nicklin, S., Bruce, N.C. (1998).   The degradation of nitrate ester and nitroaromatic explosives by Enterobacter cloacae PB2. Biochemical Society Transactions, 26: 680-685.
  100. Bruce, N.C. (1998).  Microbial degradation of energetic compounds.  Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 71: 362-364.
  101. Cha, C-J., Cain, R.B., Bruce, N.C.  (1998).  The modified beta-ketoadipate pathway in Rhodococcus rhodochrous N75: Enzymology of 3-methylmuconolactone metabolism.  Journal of Bacteriology, 180: 6668-6673.
  102. Craig, D., Moody, P.C.E., Bruce, N.C., Scrutton, N.S. (1998).  Reductive and oxidative half-reactions of morphinone reductase from Pseudomonas putida M10: a kinetic and thermodynamic analysis.  Biochemistry, 37: 7598-7607.
  103. French, C.E., Nicklin, S., Bruce, N.C. (1998).  Aerobic degradation of 2,4,6-trinitroluene by Enterobacter cloacae PB2 and by pentaerythritol tetranitrate reductase.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 64: 2864-2868.
  104. Moody, P.C.E., Shikotra, N., French, C.E., Bruce, N.C., Scrutton, N.S. (1998).  Crystallization and preliminary diffraction studies of pentaerythritol tetranitrate reductase from Enterobacter cloacae PB2, a flavoprotein involved in the bioremediation of high explosives.  Acta Crystallographica, 54: 675-677.
  105. Stabler, P., Bruce, N.C. (1998).  Oxidation of morphine to 2,2’-bimorphine by Cyindrocarpon didymum.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 64: 4106-4108.


  107. French, C.E., Boonstra, B., Bufton, K., Bruce, N.C. (1997).  Cloning, sequence and properties of the soluble pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase of Pseudomonas fluorescens.  Journal of Bacteriology, 179: 2761-2765.
  108. Moody, C.E., Shikotra, N., French, C.E., Bruce, N.C., Scrutton, N.S. (1997).  Crystallization and preliminary diffraction studies of morphinone reductase, a flavoprotein involved in the degradation of morphine and codeine.  Acta Crystallographica, 53: 619-621.


  110. Binks, P.R., French, C.E., Nicklin, S., Bruce, N.C. (1996). Degradation of pentaerythritol tetranitrate by Entrobacter cloacae PB2.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 62: 1214-1219.
  111. French, C.E., Nicklin, S., Bruce, N.C. (1996).  Sequence and properties of pentaerythritol tetranitrate reductase from Enterobacter cloacae PB2.  Journal of Bacteriology, 178: 6623-6627.
  112. French, C.E., Hailes, A.M., Rathbone, D.A., Bruce, N.C. (1996). Morphinone reductase: characterization, cloning and application to biocatalytic hydromorphone production.  Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 799: 90-97.
  113. Hailes, A.M., French, C.E., Rathbone, D.A., Bruce, N.C. (1996). Engineering pathways in Escherichia coli for the synthesis of morphine alkaloid analgesics and antitussives.  Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 799: 391-397.
  114. Holt, P-J., Bruce, N.C., Lowe, C.R.  (1996). Bioluminescent enzyme assays for heroin and heroin metabolites.  Analytical Chemistry, 68: 1877-1882.
  115. Lister, D.L., Sproule, R., Britt, A.J., Lowe, C.R., Bruce, N.C. (1996). Degradation of cocaine by a mixed culture of Pseudomonas fluorescens MBER and Comomonas acidovorans MBLF.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 62: 94-99.
  116. Rathbone, D.A., Holt, P-J., Lowe, C.R., Bruce, N.C. (1996).  The use of heroin esterase in the development of an illicit drugs biosensor.  Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 799: 85-90.
  117. Rathbone, D.A., Holt, P-J., Lowe, C.R., Bruce, N.C.  (1996).  The molecular analysis of the her gene and its gene product, a heroin esterase from Rhodococcus sp. H1.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 63: 2062-2066.
  118. Walker, E.H. and Bruce, N.C. (1996).  Towards the redesign of morphine dehydrogenase with improved properties.  Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 799: 6-11.


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  122. French, C. E., Hailes, A. M., Rathbone, D. A., Long, M. T., Willey, D. L. and Bruce, N. C. (1995). Biological production of semisynthetic opiates using genetically engineered bacteria. Bio/Technology, 13: 674 - 676.
  123. Bruce, N. C. (1995). Engineering microbial transformation pathways for the synthesis of morphine alkaloids. Trends in Biotechnology, 13: 200-205.
  124. Binks, P. R., Nicklin, S. and Bruce, N. C. (1995). Degradation of RDX by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia PB1. Appl. Eviron. Microbiol., 61: 1318-1322.
  125. Holt, P-J., Gray Stephens, Bruce, N. C. and Lowe, C. R. (1995). An amperometric opiate assay. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 10: 517-526.
  126. Cameron, G. W. W., Jordan, K. N., Holt, P-J., Baker, P. B., Lowe, C. R. and Bruce, N. C. (1994). Identification of a heroin esterase in Rhodococcus sp. H1. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 60: 3881-3883.
  127. French, C. E., and Bruce, N. C. (1994). Purification and characterisation of morphinone reductase from Pseudomonas putida M10. Biochemical Journal, 301: 97-103.
  128. Bruce, N. C., Willey, D. L., Coulson, A. F. W. and Jeffery, J. (1994). Bacterial morphine dehydrogenase further defines a distinct superfamily of oxidoreductases with diverse functional activities. Biochemical Journal, 299: 805-811.
  129. Cameron, G. W. W. and Bruce, N. C. (1993). An introduction to chromatographic techniques. Methods in Molecular and Cellular Biology, 4: 184-189.
  130. Hailes, A. M. and Bruce, N.C. (1993). The biological synthesis of the analgesic, hydromorphone: an intermediate in the metabolism of morphine by Pseudomonas putida M10. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 59: 2166-2170.
  131. Willey, D., Caswell, D. A., Lowe, C. R. and Bruce, N. C. (1993). Nucleotide sequence and over-expression of morphine dehydrogenase, a plasmid encoded gene from Pseudomonas putida M10. Biochemical Journal, 290: 539-544.
  132. Britt, A. J., Bruce, N. C. and Lowe, C. R. (1992). Purification and characterization of an NAD+-dependent secondary alcohol dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas maltophilia MB11L. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 93: 49-56.
  133. Britt, A. J., Bruce, N. C. and Lowe, C. R. (1992). Identification of a cocaine esterase in a strain of Pseudomonas maltophilia.  Journal of Bacteriology, 174: 2087-2094.
  134. Bruce, N. C., Wilmot, C. J., Jordan, K. N., Gray Stephens, L. D. and Lowe, C. R. (1991).  Microbial degradation of the morphine alkaloids: purification and characterization of morphine dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas putida M10. Biochemical Journal, 274: 875-880.


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  137. Pieper, D. H., Stadler-Fritzsche, K., Knackmuss, H.-J., Engesser, K. H., Bruce, N. C. and Cain, R. B. (1990). Purification and characterization of  4-methylmuconolactone methylisomerase, a novel enzyme of the modified 3 oxoadipate pathway in the gram-negative bacterium Alcaligenes eutrophus JMP 134. Biochemical Journal, 271: 529-534.
  138. Bruce, N. C. and Cain, R. B. (1990). Hydroaromatic metabolism in Rhodococcus rhodochrous: purification and characterization of its NAD-dependent quinate dehydrogenase. Archives of Microbiology, 154: 179-186.
  139. Bruce, N. C., Cain, R. B., Pieper, D. H. and Engesser, K.-H. (1989). Purification and characterization of 4-methylmuconolactone methyl-isomerase, a novel enzyme of the modified 3-oxoadipate pathway in nocardioform actinomycetes. Biochemical Journal, 262: 303-312.
  140. Bruce, N. C. and Cain, R. B., ß-Methylmuconolactone (1988). A key intermediate in the dissimilation of methylaromatic compounds by a modified 3-oxoadipate pathway evolved in nocardioform actinomycetes. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 50: 233-239.
  141. Bruce, N. C. (1983). A laboratory study of microbial growth in simulated ships fuel tanks. Journal of Naval Science, 9: 12-16.
  142. Bruce, N. C. (1982). A laboratory study of microbial growth in simulated fuel tanks. International Biodeterioration Bulletin,18: 87-91.

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