Studying and teaching tools

Helpful tools for teaching and learning, including learning platforms, accessibility enhancements and equipment available to everyone. 

Featured tools

Learn VLE (Blackboard)

The University's main virtual learning environment (VLE) for most students and staff.

Find out about Learn VLE

Core systems

Document creation

  • Google Workspace
    Suite of collaboration and productivity tools including Docs, Sheets, Forms and Slides. 
  • Microsoft 365
    Suite of collaboration and productivity tools including Word, Excel and Teams.

Teaching and learning support

  • Panopto (Replay lecture capture)
    Lecture capture and video storage.
  • YorSearch
    Interact with the Library's physical and electronic catalogue.
  • Leganto
    Access your reading list.
  • Alma
    Manage various resources for library users (library staff only).
  • Skills guides
    Find interactive tutorials and videos to develop your digital, information-searching and academic skills.
  • Accessibility resources
    Browse assistive software and find accessible IT spaces and equipment.
  • Xerte (e-learning)
    Design and create interactive, accessible e-learning web pages and materials.
  • Mentimeter
    Poll your audience and see responses in real time. 
  • Padlet
    Organise content, map ideas and share feedback with a virtual noticeboard.
  • Turnitin and Gradescope
    These tools facilitate assessment submissions, marks and feedback. 
  • MyUoY (University app)
    Speed up daily tasks, check your timetable and find your way around campus.

Reference management

  • EndNote
    Collect bibliographic information in one place for organising and citing.
  • Paperpile
    Manage, cite and share research papers and references.
  • Zotero
    Store and organise references, citations and bibliographic information.

PDF tools
