Software and apps

Explore available software for a variety of uses in teaching, learning, research and professional services.

Installing software

In our computer labs, most available software is already pre-installed and ready for you to use.

If you're using a University-managed device, most of the software you need is either already installed, or available to install via the Software Center (Windows) and Self Service (Mac). Some software requires a licence code to access; details are available on individual software pages.

IT Services provide support for installation problems and manage licensing for software on managed devices. 

You must not install or use prohibited software.


Some software is only available to staff, students, or is for certain departments. Licence codes may be required to activate some software. Check the relevant software pages below to find out more about eligibility.

Featured tools

Name Description Sub-category (software)
ABBYY FineReader PDF Edit PDFs. Creating and editing PDFs
ACD/Labs Process and interpret analytical data. Data science, engineering and analysis software
Adobe Acrobat Reader Read and annotate PDFs. Creating and editing PDFs
Adobe Creative Cloud Use for graphic design, to edit images, audio and video and create visual effects (staff only). Creative and visual communication software
ArcGIS (maps) Create, analyse and visualise geographic data to make maps and support decision-making. Creative and visual communication software
Autodesk Inventor (CAD) Create 3D mechanical designs and simulate products. Creative and visual communication software
ChemDraw Create chemical and biological drawings. Data science, engineering and analysis software
Corel PaintShop Pro Edit bitmap images such as photos. Creative and visual communication software
Corel PDF Fusion Convert and combine PDFs. Creating and editing PDFs
Corel VideoStudio Create and edit high-quality videos. Creative and visual communication software
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Edit photos, create and edit vector graphics and capture images from your computer screen. Creative and visual communication software
CrystalMaker Visualise and analyse crystal structures and molecular models. Data science, engineering and analysis software
Dragon speech recognition Speech recognition software tool that can be used for dictation (advice only). Accessibility
EndNote Collect bibliographic information in one place for organising and citing. Referencing software
Firefox A free web browser developed by Mozilla, an alternative to Google Chrome.
Google Chrome A free web browser that's part of Google Workspace and the default on University computers.
Google Docs Create and format documents and work with other people. Part of Google Workspace.
Google Forms Create online surveys and quizzes, and send them to others. Part of Google Workspace.
Google Sheets Create and format spreadsheets and work with other people. Part of Google Workspace.
Google Slides Create and format slide presenations and work with other people. Part of Google Workspace.
Google Workspace Suite of collaboration and productivity tools including Docs, Sheets, Forms and Slides.
LabVIEW A system-design platform and development environment, used in engineering, physics and other scientific research and development fields. Data science, engineering and analysis software
Maple Easy-to-use mathematical problem-solving and analysis software. Data science, engineering and analysis software
Mathematica Computational software for engineering, science, mathematics and other technical computing. Data science, engineering and analysis software
MATLAB Intuitive, easy-to-use software for algorithm development, data analysis and numerical computation.
Mestrelab Mnova Process analytical chemistry data and create customisable reports. Data science, engineering and analysis software
Microsoft 365 Suite of collaboration and productivity tools including Word, Excel and Teams. Microsoft 365
Microsoft Azure Dev Tools Developer tools to create cross-platform apps, create games and manage app life cycles. Data science, engineering and analysis software; Microsoft 365
Microsoft OneDrive Store and access your University files in the Cloud. Microsoft 365
Microsoft Project Develop plans, assign resources track progress and analyse workloads within projects (staff only). Microsoft 365
Microsoft Teams Video conferencing with external organisations when it's not possible to use University default tools such as Zoom or Google Meet. Microsoft 365
Microsoft Visio Create diagrams, flowcharts, charts and other visual representations of complex information (staff only). Creative and visual communication software; Microsoft 365
MindGenius (mind maps) Visualise ideas, plan projects and manage tasks. Creative and visual communication software
NVivo Organise, analyse and find insights in unstructured or qualitative data. Data science, engineering and analysis software
Origin Secure, stable database used for large-scale enterprise applications like financial systems and data warehousing. Data science, engineering and analysis software
Paperpile Manage, cite and share research papers and references. Referencing software
R and RStudio A programming language and a range of tools to make data manipulation, coding, debugging and workspace management easier. Data science, engineering and analysis software
Read&Write (TextHelp package) Offers a range of tools to make reading and working with digital texts easier. Accessibility
SigmaPlot Create high quality graphs and conduct scientific data analysis. Data science, engineering and analysis software
Software and apps Explore available software for a variety of uses in teaching, learning, research and professional services.
SPSS and AMOS Create a variety of statistics, organise outputs and draw models using a drag and drop interface. Data science, engineering and analysis software
Stata Manage, analyse, and visualise data to enhance your research with advanced statistical tools. Data science, engineering and analysis software
Statistical Analysis System (SAS) Conduct advanced analytics, business intelligence, data management and predictive analytics. Data science, engineering and analysis software
Thorium Reader Read various digital book formats such as EPUB, PDF and DAISY. Creating and editing PDFs
Xerte (e-learning) Design and create interactive, accessible e-learning web pages and materials.
ZoomText Supports users with low vision conditions including magnification and screen-reading functions. Accessibility
Zotero Store and organise references, citations and bibliographic information. Referencing software

Requesting new software

If you'd like to request new software to be added to the network, you could contact your Departmental Computing Officer (DCO)

If you are requesting the deployment of an item of software, you need to provide a contact who will be responsible for maintaining contact with IT Services throughout the lifecycle of the deployment.

Prohibited software

Staff must not use or install the following software on any University device:

  • Oracle Java and Development Kit
  • Oracle VirtualBox Extension Pack

IT Services have blocked the download link to this software.

If you have any questions or need to find alternative software, please contact IT Services.

Hosting custom apps

IT Services can securely host your custom web applications, written with R, using Shiny.