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Home>IT Services>Tools, software and services>SPSS and AMOS


Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) is software for statistical analysis in social science. 

SPSS Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) is an add-on module that allows for powerful structural equation modelling. 

Key features


  • Supports various data entry methods and allows for recoding.
  • Present data in a range of charts.
  • Create a variety of statistics: descriptive (mean, median), inferential (T-tests, correlation) and advanced statistics (factor analysis, cluster analysis).
  • Organise outputs in a structured format and share with others.


  • Allows modelling of variables using path diagrams and used to test the validity of factor structures.
  • Draw models using a drag and drop interface, making it easier to visualise complex relationships.

Access instructions

Available to staff and students

You can use this service on University-managed and personal devices.


SPSS is compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux.
AMOS is only compatible with Windows.

Funded by the University

There isn’t a cost to you for standard use.

Access instructions

Guides and help

How-to guides and set up

Training and best practice


Contact for support

If you're experiencing technical issues and need advice, please contact IT Services.

The Maths Skills Centre offer help with using SPSS. You can book a one to one statistics appointments either online or in person.

Service commitments

Page last reviewed: 9 September 2024