Research IT training and support

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All training resources

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Name Theme Provider Description
Digital skills training General University of York Coding and data management training is available and open to all staff and students.
IT training General University of York IT Services and the Library offer a range of taught courses on IT-related topics such as NVivo, introduction to programming, programming with Python, surveys, spreadsheets, and Access.
Learning Management System (LMS) General University of York Browse a diverse range of staff training courses, created by the University and LinkedIn Learning.
Skillsforge General University of York Browse training courses specifically for postgraduate researchers.
Research Coding Club Software engineering University of York An informal group for people who write or develop research software. They run a monthly drop-in session.
Archer 2 Software engineering; National Archer2, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC) Details of the face-to-face and online training courses and resources provided by Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC) as part of the Archer2 service.
Biology Technology Facility Software engineering; Data science; Python University of York Courses are open to technicians from a range of backgrounds, and include data science, scientific computing and Python.
Chrys Woods courses Software engineering; Python Chris Woods Chris Woods is a Research Software Engineer at the University of Bristol and provides self-guided workshops across programming (Python, Perl etc.) and molecular modelling.
CodeCademy Software engineering CodeCademy Learn to program online with free coding classes in over 10 programming languages.
Essential Software Engineering for Research Software engineering Imperial College London Boost your confidence in software engineering and learn coding techniques, structures and testing frameworks.
Hartree Centre Software engineering; National Hartree Centre Hands-on training courses, webinars, workshops and events on topics including supercomputing, data analytics and AI technologies to new audiences.
N8 Centre of Excellence in Computationally Intensive Research (N8CIR) Software engineering; National N8CIR Online training, events and resources across a range of subjects, including data analysis, software engineering, high-performance computing.
Introduction to high-performance computing (Archer2) Software engineering Archer2, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC) Understand what high-performance computing (HPC) is, plus a general overview of modern HPC machines such as Archer2 and how to interact with them.
Introduction to Jupyter and JupyterLab Software engineering CodeRefinery Learn the user interface of JupyterLab, how Jupyter notebooks work, and what some common and powerful use cases are.
Matt Williams courses Software engineering Matt Williams Matt Williams is a lecturer at the University of Bristol and provides training courses and materials.
Message-passing programming with MPI (Archer2) Software engineering Archer2, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC) Learn how to write parallel programs using Message Passing, applicable to the majority of the world’s largest supercomputers.
NAG Software engineering; National NAG NAG publishes webinars covering a range of topics, from calibrating models to high-performance computing.
Software Sustainability Institute (SSI) Software engineering; National Software Sustainability Institute The SSI has developed an array of training resources aimed at various levels of expertise. Topics include data science, research computing, and programming languages.
The Unix Shell Software engineering; Unix/Linux Software Carpentry Get started with command-line basics using Shell.
Top ten tips for using high-performance computing (Archer2) Software engineering Archer2, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC) EPCC staff give their ten tips you should consider when using a high-performance computing facility.
Automated Testing Data analysis; Python CodeRefinery Learn essential software testing skills to enhance code reliability and manage complex data.
Data Carpentry workshops Data analysis; Python; R; Data Carpentry Learn data skills using real-world examples, designed for beginners. Curricula include Astronomy, Ecology, Genomics, Geospatial data, and Social Sciences. Topics include data cleaning, management, analysis, and visualisation using R and Python.
Introduction to Notebooks with Colaboratory Data analysis; AI and machine learning; Python Google Write and execute Python code in a web-based, interactive environment, with access to powerful computing resources and training support. Ideal for data analysis, machine learning, and collaborative projects.
Programming with Python Data analysis; Python Software Carpentry Learn Python fundamentals, data analysis, and visualisation using patient inflammation data. Ideal for beginners.
Programming with R Data analysis; R Software Carpentry Master R programming basics to analyse inflammation data.
R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis Data analysis; R Software Carpentry Learn R programming basics by using Gapminder data.
Maths Skills Centre Statistics and maths University of York Advice and guidance on maths topics, statistical concepts and analysis.
R user group Statistics and maths University of York Every third Friday of the month, researchers from across the University present on applied statistics in R, based on their research. They share tools that helped them make better use of this software. For more details, contact Tom Patton (
Version Control with Git Version Control Software Carpentry Master Git basics to manage and track project changes and enhance research workflow.
Introduction to Version Control with Git (CodeRefinery) Version Control CodeRefinery Learn Git basics with hands-on exercises for managing code versions and collaborating effectively on research and software projects.
Using Git to Code, Collaborate and Share Version Control Imperial College London Learn Git essentials and advanced techniques. This course covers version control, branching, merging, and collaboration to streamline workflows and improve project management.
Collaborative Distributed Version Control with Git Version Control CodeRefinery Discover collaborative Git workflows with practical exercises. Learn how to manage team projects, handle merge conflicts, and improve collaboration on research and software development tasks.
Deep Learning Institute AI and machine learning NVIDIA Learn about AI, accelerated computing, accelerated data science, graphics and simulation, and more.
Machine Learning Crash Course AI and machine learning Google A practical introduction to machine learning, featuring a series of lessons with video lectures, real-world case studies, and hands-on practice exercises.
Accelerated Computing training GPUs NVIDIA Learn to optimise performance using GPUs, deep learning, and parallel computing through hands-on labs and expert-led courses to enhance computational efficiency.
Codewars challenges Challenges; Software engineering Codewars Sharpen your coding skills with challenges in many languages.
Kaggle resources and challenges Challenges; AI and machine learning Kaggle Share, stress test, and browse community-published models, data & code for your next project. You can also participate in community challenges.
Project Euler challenges Challenges; Software engineering Project Euler Maths challenges that require efficient programming to solve.
Regex puzzles and challenges Challenges; Software engineering Ole Michelsen Crosswords solved with regular expressions (try Regex 101 for tips).
Regex Golf (challenges) Challenges; Software engineering Firas Dib Interactive regular expression challenges (try Regex 101 for tips).

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