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Student information

Select from the links below:

Student Enquiry Screen

The easiest way to get current student information is via the Student Enquiry Screen on the web. You can use it to:

  • Check your students' modules and credits.
  • Find their contact details (semester time addresses/phone numbers)
  • Email or send text messages to groups of students (eg all your supervisees or students taking a particular module)
  • Create student attendance lists
  • View photos of individual students, and create your own photo pages for printing (subject to permissions - see Viewing Images documentation)
  • Extract lists of students as a .csv file for import into a spreadsheet or database

Sign in to the Student Enquiry Screen »

Find out more about using the Student Enquiry Screen

The Student Data Warehouse

The student part of the Data Warehouse is a database that holds information on applicants, current students and leavers. The information has been taken from the SITS system at the end of the previous day, so any changes made on SITS take a day to appear in here.

You can use Microsoft Access to create your own queries and reports on this database, and export information into spreadsheets or other databases.

For help and advice on other information held in the Student Records Data Warehouse, contact the Student Data and Management Information Team.

If you

  • need to see information that is less than a day old, or
  • are not comfortable with creating your own queries in Access, or
  • need to enter and update student information

you need to use...

SITS and e:vision

SITS is the main student records system, and e:vision is its online version. Full details of gaining access to SITS, training and other information can be found on the Online Support Centre.