EndNote is a reference management application that helps you save time by collecting bibliographic information in one place, making it easier to cite material and format citations.
EndNote has a desktop application with full functionality and a web-based application that has more limited functionality. You can use an EndNote account to sync between the two apps to back up your library.
Key features
- Collect references from a range of databases and library catalogues.
- Insert and format in-text citations and reference lists in Microsoft Word and Google Docs
- Automatically build your bibliography using the library of 7,000+ output styles or your own customised style.
- Search hundreds of online resources for references and PDFs.
- Create rules to automatically organise references as you collect and write.
- Keep your data accurate with automatic reference and link updating.
- Sync your desktop library with an EndNote account to backup your library and access on other devices
Access instructions
- This software is installed in our computer labs.
- For other University managed devices running Windows, you can install this software from the Software Center.
- For other devices, you can download and install EndNote.
- A licence code is required to activate EndNote.
- See EndNote Web for how to access the web-based version.
Available to staff and students
You can use this service on University-managed and personal devices.
App and web-based
Compatible with Windows and Mac. This service also works in your web browser.
Funded by the University
There isn’t a cost to you for standard use.
Additional information
As well as a desktop app, you can use a free web app version to access your research anytime, anywhere from the cloud with EndNote Web.
- The basic version (EndNote Online/Web Basic/EndNote Online Classic) is available to anyone and members of the University can get an enhanced account (premium version) that has access to the University of York referencing styles.
- The premium version (EndNote Online/Web Premium) is available free of charge for anyone who has installed EndNote 21 (the most recent app version of EndNote). See our Obtaining EndNote guidance.
- You can access the premium version if you have an EndNote 21 licence, which means a York user who has accessed EndNote 21 on any device and synced their library to their EndNote account should be able to use the premium version.
- Once you have registered to use EndNote Web, you can access it from anywhere with a computer connected to the Internet.
How to register
To register you will either need to be on a campus PC or use the virtual desktop service (VDS):
- On a campus PC or using the VDS, sign in to Access Clarivate (clarivate.com).
- Choose ‘Register’ and sign up using your University email address and a unique password.
- If you're using EndNote 21 and want to upgrade to the premium version, you will then need to open EndNote 21 and enable sync with your EndNote Web account. See Alfasoft's guide on EndNote Premium vs EndNote basic (alfasoft.com) for more information.
To check you have the enhanced version:
- Go to the person icon in the top right-hand corner of EndNote Web, choose Account | Subscription.
- An enhanced account should show ‘Web of Science’ under ‘Account’, with an expiration date of when you’ll need to log in again from a campus PC to keep the enhanced account.
- With an enhanced account, you should see York specific styles such as UoY - Harvard when you go to Format | Bibliography and view the bibliographic style list.
Registration troubleshooting
If you don't have ‘Web of Science’ under the Account Information and you do not see the University of York styles, try logging in from a campus PC or through the VDS.
You can also try accessing Web of Science (webofscience.com) through the University subscription and then choose the EndNote tab at the top of the screen to access EndNote Web.
See EndNote’s list of ways you can register for an EndNote Web account (clarivate.com) for more details.
When you leave the University
After you leave the University, your account will be 'downgraded' to a standard account, but none of your data will be lost in the process.
You'll also lose access to EndNote premium once you no longer have access to EndNote 21 (after three years from activation).
Access instructions
- This software is installed in our computer labs.
- For other University managed devices running Windows, you can install this software from the Software Center.
- For other devices, you can download and install EndNote.
- A licence code is required to activate EndNote.
- See EndNote Web for how to access the web-based version.
Related tools
Guides and help
How-to guides and set up
Training and best practice
Training provided at the University
- Reference management: a practical guide looks at the key processes and features of the reference management applications available at York, including EndNote. It includes advice on the advantages and disadvantages of each.
- EndNote training is also available for postgraduate researchers and staff members via Skillsforge.
Training provided by EndNote
- Online tutorials and webinars classes are available from the EndNote support and training (endnote.com)
- EndNote accessibility statements (endnote.com)
Contact for support
If you're experiencing technical issues and need advice, please contact IT Services.
Service commitments
The following policies apply to all IT services provided by the University.
- This is a live service, available 24/7.
- This service is managed by a third party.
- They are responsible for monitoring, identifying and fixing faults. We provide advice and support for local issues during our opening hours.
- Support is available via EndNote (endnote.com).
- Our service performance and standards have been produced in consultation with our customers. We regularly monitor the delivery, performance and availability of facilities and services.
We appreciate feedback as it helps us review and continually improve our service.
Page last reviewed: 9 September 2024