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Mobile phone plans terms and conditions

This policy applies to mobile phone and wifi plans arranged by Unified Communications. It outlines the scope of service, user and departmental responsibilities, and permitted use.


  • Where it is necessary for a mobile device to be provided to a member of staff, the University will make the necessary arrangements for the acquisition of the mobile device and will pay all work-related costs.
  • Private use of the mobile device is permitted but staff are required to pay the cost of the calls/data (including VAT where appropriate) to the University. Personal usage can be paid into the relevant departmental work order via the cash office.

Making requests and managing plans

  • Requests for mobile devices should be made to Unified Communications by the relevant Head of Department or budget holder using the request form, available via mobile phones and wifi plans.
  • The person collecting the device is required to complete a form to confirm they have collected the device.

Departmental management:

  • Heads of departments, budget holders or nominees should keep a record of each member of staff who has been issued a University mobile phone.
  • Departments and budget holders should audit mobile accounts periodically to ensure staff are paying for personal calls.
  • Heads of departments, budget holders or nominees can request monthly billing reports for all their mobile devices. It is the responsibility of the department to monitor usage and billing and ensure that the account is credited for personal use.
  • Mobile device rental agreements are for two years, after which 30 days' notice for termination of service is required. Departments/budget holders are liable for these costs.
  • If a department wishes to end the contract early then the contract must be paid up in full. 30 days notice to terminate the service is required.

Individual management:

  • Individual users can request access to an online billing account detailing current and previous bills for their mobile number. If the mobile number is reallocated to another member, of staff they will then have access to all previous billing information.
  • All devices and SIM cards must have a strong PIN code activated. It is the users' responsibility to set PIN codes.
  • As a general rule, mobile devices should have international roaming deactivated. If there is a need for a mobile device to be used abroad, please inform Unified Communications who can arrange international roaming for the mobile device. It is the device user's responsibility for all roaming charges incurred.
  • Automatic data caps are not in force on mobile devices. Users must be aware of their data usage and the tariffs they are on.

Safe use of information

  • SIM cards provided by the University should not be used in personal mobile devices.
  • It is prohibited to use a University mobile device for any illegal activities, or activities that would be likely to result in a civil action.
  • Sensitive data should not be stored on a mobile device.
  • Users should read and be aware of the University policy for the safe use of University Information on devices.
  • Useful information on securing your device is at from the Cybersecurity team.

Transferring and terminating devices and plans

  • Devices should not be transferred from one user to another without intervention from IT Services; this is to ensure the device is appropriately cleaned and the asset register and user details updated. Please contact IT Services to ensure the device is allocated to the correct user.
  • It is the responsibility of the department head or nominee to inform Unified Communications if the device is allocated another user.
  • Users must return University devices to the University on request or when they are no longer being used for the purpose for which they were provided, and in any case before leaving the University.
  • Unified Communications should be informed immediately a mobile device is no longer required so that the rental agreement can be cancelled with the network service provider.

Loss or theft

  • You must report loss or theft immediately to the network provider, Vodafone Corporate, on +44(0)3333 044444. (Alternatively, you can contact the Unified Communications team, within IT Services, on +44(0)1904 320000.) The network provider will bar the SIM to stop unauthorised use of the telephone number by a third party.
  • Users should note the IMEI (serial) number of their mobile handset. The network provider can use this to bar the use of the handset in the event of loss or theft.
    • To find out your IMEI number, dial *#06# on your handset and note the 15-digit number.
  • Typically, University mobile devices do not require insurance. However, if you want to insure your device, please contact Unified Communications.
  • Mobile devices are the property of the University. The Unified Communications team hold a small quantity of used mobile devices to be used to replace devices that are lost or stolen.

Using your mobile phone whilst driving

It is illegal to hold and use a phone, sat nav or other device that can send or receive data, while driving, or riding a motorcycle. For full details, please read the Highway Code, road safety and vehicle rules (

It is an offence whilst driving to use a device held in your hand. This applies to all mobile devices (eg phones, tablets and PDAs) and includes:

  • speaking or listening to a phone call
  • interactively accessing data, including internet, text or images
  • whilst in hands-free mode
  • when stationary during driving (for example, in a traffic jam or at traffic lights). 


It is legal for you to use your phone whilst in your car if you:

  • use the device hands-free, as long as you do not hold it at any time during usage and remain in full control of your vehicle. (Hands-free includes using a Bluetooth headset or fixing the device in a dashboard holder or mount, which does not block your view of the road and traffic ahead)
  • make a contactless payment in a vehicle that is not moving, for example at a drive-through restaurant
  • need to call 999 or 112 in an emergency and it’s unsafe or impractical to stop
  • are safely parked.

Drivers may continue to receive data on their phone when on the move, providing that the driver does not hold the device whilst in operation - there is no requirement for the handset to be switched off when in the vehicle.

The penalties

It is not an offence for employers to provide phones to employees, however, forcing employees to use phones will make the employer liable.

  • Fixed penalty fine of £200 and six points on the offender's licence for using a hand-held phone whilst driving.
  • A possible fine of up to £1,000 may also be applied on conviction (£2,500 for drivers of goods vehicles or those manufactured or adapted to carry 9 or more passengers).

Page last reviewed: 31/07/2024