1. Overview of EDI activity

1.1 The following Annex describes examples of various activities that the University undertakes, or has undertaken, in relation to equality, diversity, and inclusion. Activities change over time, some are short term and some are longer term or permanent, and new activities are developed according to need. It is not possible to comprehensively map all of the University's actions in relation to equality, diversity, and inclusion, because they take place at an organisational, departmental, and individual level across all service areas and functions. This Annex therefore presents a snapshot of main activity at the time of producing this document, and will be revised periodically.

1.2 The University of York Strategy 2020-2030 "A University for Public Good" outlines our overall commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion.

1.3 We undertake a range of activities to meet our legal obligations as defined by the Equality Act 2010 and the Public Sector Equality Duty, including, but not limited to, the initiatives described in this policy.

1.4 We provide mandatory equality and diversity training for all staff that covers our obligations under the Equality Act 2010, including the Public Sector Equality Duty. Examples of training modules include:

  • Introduction to equality, diversity and inclusion covers key legislation, what is meant by discrimination, examples of unacceptable behaviours and their impact, inequality and oppression, taking action, and being an ally and an upstander.
  • Disability Awareness covers definitions and models of disability, sharing personal information about disability, our legal obligations, reasonable adjustments, and sources of support.
  • Digital Accessibility aims to help staff understand digital accessibility so we can make websites and resources available to everyone. It covers what is meant by digital accessibility and why it is important, how we can improve our practice, and how staff can take action in their team.
  • Our unconscious bias web pages include training modules to help staff tackle unconscious bias in staff recruitment and unconscious bias in staff progression and retention.

1.5 Staff who are involved in recruitment and selection are required to undertake training in recruitment and selection, which includes demonstrating they have completed the unconscious bias in recruitment, and introduction to equality, diversity and inclusion training modules.

1.6 We produce guidance for staff and students on a range of EDI issues and protected characteristics to embed inclusive practices.

1.7 We collect equality monitoring data for staff (which staff can update themselves online at any time), and publish that along with our student data and Gender Pay Gap report on our Equality Data web page. Equality monitoring data helps us to understand our staff community and monitor our recruitment and retention characteristics.

1.8 Our network of Equality Champions helps to promote and communicate equality, diversity and inclusivity initiatives including key events, news, training opportunities, policy developments and best practice across the institution.

1.9 The University's Staff Equality Networks provide peer support and opportunities for staff to get involved in developing and promoting equality, diversity and inclusion good practice.

1.10 When considering changes to policies and procedures, the University takes appropriate steps to consider any potential impact on particular groups of staff and/or students, undertaking Equality Impact Assessments where appropriate.

2. Equality Areas: protected characteristics

2.1 There are 9 protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010. These are listed below with links to relevant policies, procedures, guidance, information, and support.

2.2 Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion web pages outline our commitment to valuing and celebrating diversity, and to advancing equality and inclusive practice in all our activities.

2.3 The Equality and Diversity Office produces a range of guidance resources on various equality and diversity topics, including general guidance and guidance relating to specific equality characteristics.

2.4 Our Equality and Diversity Policy for Students outlines our student-focused work in relation to the nine protected characteristics.

2.5 Age

The University celebrates and values the diversity of staff of all ages and aims to ensure that all members of staff are treated fairly and with dignity and respect. Relevant guidance regarding age can be found on our equality and diversity recruitment page. Age terminology, including a brief description of age discrimination and links to relevant legislation, can be found in the age section of our glossary of equality, diversity, and inclusion terminology.

2.6 Disability

The Equality Act 2010 provides protection against discrimination, harassment and victimisation on the grounds of disability.

The University's disability in employment policy outlines our approach to fair recruitment, retention, and provision of a suitable and supportive working environment for people with a disability. It should be read in conjunction with our reasonable adjustment process for staff with a disability or long term health condition.

The Accessibility at York web page includes information about campus accessibility, accessible and inclusive facilities, travel and parking, and helpful resources, including the AccessAble guide to navigating the university campus and buildings.

Our Disability Inclusion Framework outlines our approach to disability equality, including the physical estate, e-accessibility, and culture and good practice. Our web page on the journey for new members of disabled staff outlines what is available for new staff members throughout their career with the University of York, from job applications and interview, to ongoing employment and support, including Occupational Health.

Our staff equality networks page includes information about the INCLUDE network - Inclusive Network Connecting and Linking University Disabled Employees.

The University produces pay gap reports each year for ethnicity and gender, and has committed to producing a disability pay gap report. The University of York Strategy 2020-2030 "A University for Public Good" outlines our commitment to eliminating gender, ethnicity, and disability pay gaps.

2.7 Gender reassignment

The University celebrates and values the diversity of its staff and aims to ensure that all trans members of staff are treated fairly and with dignity and respect.

Our supporting our trans and non binary community web page includes guidance pages for trans staff which contain information about how to navigate university systems and processes, change name and gender on university records, access support, report harassment, bullying, or hate incidents, how to complete a trans staff action plan, and access to inclusive facilities.

Our staff equality networks and forums web page contains information on staff equality networks that inform our policy and practice and help our staff to feel that they are an integral part of the York community, including the Rainbow Alliance LGBTQ+ staff network.

The glossary of equality, diversity, and inclusion terminology aims to increase understanding of equality and diversity language and identity, including gender and gender identity. Our equality and diversity guidance page includes guidance on pronoun use.

We offer regular awareness raising sessions on the subject of Trans issues and identities for staff and postgraduates who teach.

2.8 Marriage and civil partnership

The University aims to ensure that all members of staff are treated fairly and with dignity and respect whether they are married, in a civil partnership or single.

Our glossary of equality, diversity, and inclusion terminology aims to increase understanding of equality and diversity language and identity, including pregnancy and maternity.

2.9 Pregnancy and maternity

The University aims to provide an environment where members of staff are supported and treated fairly and with dignity and respect during pregnancy and maternity and while breastfeeding/chest feeding.

Our Human Resources parental leave web page includes information on pregnancy and maternity leave, paternity/partner leave, shared parental leave, and adoption leave. The range of leave options is explained in our family support leave policy.

Our glossary of equality, diversity, and inclusion terminology aims to increase understanding of equality and diversity language and identity, including marriage and civil partnership.

The University's inclusive facilities web page includes information on breastfeeding/ chest feeding, baby changing facilities, high chairs, nursery, and other accessibility topics.

The Redundancy procedure provides additional protection against redundancy, including for pregnant employees from when they inform the University of their pregnancy, for 18 months after returning maternity, adoption, or shared parental leave, and for 2 weeks after the end of the pregnancy in the event of a miscarriage.

2.10 Race

We are an anti-racist, inclusive institution (The University of York Strategy 2020-2030). Our anti-racism statement explains our approach and values regarding anti-racism, and is supported by a range of initiatives to support our diverse staff and student population.

Let's talk about race and racism explains more of our approach to tackling racism, including how to report racism, being a white ally, and educating ourselves about issues around race and ethnicity. In support of the work on race equality the University has a Race Equality Action Plan.

Our staff equality networks and forums web page contains information on staff equality networks that inform our policy and practice and help our staff to feel that they are an integral part of the York community, including our Race Equality Forum.

Our glossary of equality, diversity, and inclusion terminology aims to increase understanding of equality and diversity language and identity, including race and ethnicity.

The University produces pay gap reports each year for ethnicity. The University of York Strategy 2020-2030 "A University for Public Good" outlines our commitment to eliminating the ethnicity pay gap.

2.11 Religion and belief and non-belief

The University of York celebrates and values the diversity brought by its individual members and aims to create an environment where staff members with a religious belief or none are treated fairly and with dignity and respect.

Our faith and religion web page provides information on local and national faith groups, and our multi-faith and dedicated prayer facilities.

Our glossary of equality, diversity, and inclusion terminology aims to increase understanding of equality and diversity language and identity, including religion and belief, and our celebrating diversity calendar includes information about a wide range of diversity events, including religious celebrations and festivals.

2.12 Sex and Gender

Our commitment to gender equality is outlined on our gender and gender identity web page. Further sources of help, support and information on gender equality can be found on the Athena Swan Charter web pages on gender equality.

The University of York Strategy 2020-2030 "A University for Public Good" outlines our commitment to eliminating the gender pay gap, and each year the University produces pay gap reports for gender.

The glossary of equality, diversity, and inclusion terminology aims to increase understanding of equality and diversity language and identity, including sex and gender and gender identity.

Our staff equality networks and forums web page contains information on staff equality networks that inform our policy and practice and help our staff to feel that they are an integral part of the York community, including Athena Swan, The Academic Women's Forum, and the Women in Research Network.

2.13 Sexual Orientation

The University celebrates and values the diversity of its staff and aims to ensure that all lesbian, gay and bisexual members of staff are treated fairly and with dignity and respect.

Our staff equality networks and forums web page contains information on staff equality networks that inform our policy and practice and help our staff to feel that they are an integral part of the York community, including the Rainbow Alliance LGBTQ+ staff network.

The glossary of equality, diversity, and inclusion terminology aims to increase understanding of equality and diversity language and identity, including sexual orientation.

3. Harassment and Bullying

3.1 The University aims to provide a stimulating and supportive environment for working and learning which will enable staff and students to fulfil their potential. All members of the University community have an important role to play in creating an environment where harassment, bullying, and hate incidents are tackled and eliminated.

3.2 Our Dignity at Work and Study policy and web pages explain our commitment to tackling harassment and bullying in all its forms, outline what is meant by harassment, bullying, and hate incidents, and explain what actions staff and students can take if they have concerns.

3.3 Our Community without Limits framework sets out the standards we expect in our institution and within our staff community, including respectful and inclusive behaviours.

3.4 Dignity Contacts offer a first point of contact to anyone who has concerns about harassment, bullying or hate incidents.

3.5 Report and Support is an online tool to enable staff and students to report harassment, bullying, hate incidents, and other forms of misconduct enacted by either staff or students.

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  • Last reviewed and updated: 1 June 2024