1. Policy Statement

1.1 The University is committed to developing, maintaining and supporting a culture of equality and diversity in employment in which staff are treated equitably, and where they can realise their potential whatever their age, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, creed, disability, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, parental status, religion, belief or non-belief, social or economic class, employment status, or any other criteria that cannot be shown to be properly justifiable.

1.2 Equality of opportunity and inclusivity is fundamental to the vision and values of the University Plan. The principles of equality and diversity are at the heart of University life and are supported by appropriate policies, procedures and good practice.

2. Aims

2.1 The overall aim of the policy is to ensure that throughout their employment all employees of the University are treated fairly and with dignity and respect. This policy operates in accordance with the Recruitment Policy with respect to job applicants.

2.2 The University will ensure that its policies, procedures and practices comply with current legislation.

3. Responsibility

3.1 All members of staff are responsible for supporting the aims and spirit of the policy. For details of specific responsibilities in relation to equality and diversity see Appendix A.

4. Equality Areas: protected characteristics

4.1 Age

The University celebrates and values the diversity of staff of all ages and aims to ensure that all members of staff are treated fairly and with dignity and respect.

For further sources of help, support and information on age equality see the Equality and Diversity web pages on age.

4.2 Disability

For further sources of help, support and information on disability equality see the Equality and Diversity web pages on disability.

4.3 Gender reassignment

The University celebrates and values the diversity of its staff and aims to ensure that all transgender members of staff are treated fairly and with dignity and respect.

For further sources of help, support and information on gender reassignment equality see the Equality and Diversity web pages on gender reassignment.

4.4 Marriage and civil partnership

The University aims to ensure that all members of staff are treated fairly and with dignity and respect whether they are married, in a civil partnership or single.

For further sources of help, support and information on marriage and civil partnership equality see the Equality and Diversity web pages.

4.5 Pregnancy and maternity

The University aims to provide an environment where members of staff are supported and treated fairly and with dignity and respect during pregnancy and maternity and while breastfeeding.

For further sources of help, support and information on pregnancy and maternity equality see the Equality and Diversity web pages on pregnancy and maternity.

4.6 Race

In support of the work on race equality the University has a Race Equality Policy and Action Plan.
For sources of help, support and information on race equality see the Equality and Diversity web pages on race.

4.7 Religion and belief and non-belief

The University of York celebrates and values the diversity brought by its individual members and aims to create an environment where staff members with a religious belief or none are treated fairly and with dignity and respect.

For sources of help, support and information on religion and belief and non-belief equality see the Equality and Diversity web pages.

4.8 Sex (Gender)

For further sources of help, support and information on gender equality see the The Athena SWAN Charter web pages on gender equality.

4.9 Sexual Orientation

The University celebrates and values the diversity of its staff and aims to ensure that all lesbian, gay and bisexual members of staff are treated fairly and with dignity and respect.

For further sources of help, support and information on sexual orientation equality see the Equality and Diversity web pages on sexual orientation.

5 Harassment and Bullying

The University aims to provide a stimulating and supportive environment for working and learning which will enable staff and students to fulfil their potential. All members of the University community have an important role to play in creating an environment where harassment is unacceptable.

Staff who feel they are experiencing harassment or bullying in any form can contact the Equality and Diversity office who offer a first point of contact to anyone who feels they are experiencing harassment.

For sources of help on harassment see the Equality and Diversity Office's Harassment and Bullying web pages and the Code of Practice on Harassment.

6 Implementation and Monitoring

6.1 The University will provide equality and diversity training for all staff.

6.2 The effectiveness of the Policy will be monitored by measuring progress towards achieving equality objectives as set out in the University’s Equality Schemes and the consideration of relevant monitoring data.

6.3 An annual report will be presented to the Equality and Diversity committee. This report will incorporate:

  1. the annual report from the Equality & Diversity Office
  2. a report on progress from other key areas of the University

7 Complaints

7.1 Heads of Departments, senior members of staff, managers and supervisors are responsible for dealing with complaints from staff under this policy with support from the HR Department and the Equality and Diversity Office as appropriate.

7.2 Staff who believe they have not been treated equitably in accordance with the Equality and Diversity in Employment Policy should raise the matter with their line manager in the first instance.

The line manager should seek advice from the HR Department in order to resolve the complaint.

If the complaint is against their line manager, staff should raise it with their Head of Department. If this does not resolve the matter, the member of staff may make a complaint in accordance with the Grievance Procedure – the first step of which is to establish whether the complaint may be resolved informally.

7.3 No member of staff will be victimised for bringing a complaint under this policy. However, where a complaint is made maliciously and/or on knowingly false information, the complainant may be subject to the Disciplinary Procedure.

Appendix A

The following groups and post holders have responsibility for various aspects of the Equality and Diversity in Employment Policy:

  1. The Vice Chancellor has responsibility for creating a culture that supports equality and diversity.
  2. Council is responsible for monitoring the work of its Committees and Boards to ensure that the University's goal of ensuring equality of opportunity in employment is achieved.
  3. The HR Policy Committee is responsible for all matters relating to overseeing the policies relating to the employment of staff.
  4. The Equality & Diversity Committee is responsible for formulating, monitoring, evaluating and reviewing the University equal opportunities policy. It is also responsible for the implementation of the University's Code on Practice on Harassment.
  5. Trade Unions contribute to the maintenance and development of equal opportunities through the machinery for resolving collective issues and in advising and/or representing individual members.
  6. The Human Resources Department is responsible for maintaining effective employee relations including collective agreements with the Trade Unions.
  7. The Equality & Diversity Office provides guidance and advice on all aspects of equal opportunities.
  8. Disability Services provides guidance on general disability matters as well as advising individual staff and students with disabilities on appropriate specialist services.
  9. Heads of Departments, Centres, Institutes and Units are responsible for implementing the Equality and Diversity in Employment Policy in relation to the staff of their department.
  10. The Director of Human Resources has delegated responsibility for co-ordinating the day to day operation of the Equality and Diversity in Employment Policy for staff.

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  • Last reviewed and updated: 1 June 2024