Joining as a mentor

The scheme is open for prospective mentors on an ongoing basis. Successful applicants will undertake training for the role.

To apply please complete the application form:

Apply to be a Mentor

Joining as a mentee

Mentees are invited to apply for a mentor at two points in the year:

  • In and around November, for a mentoring relationship from January to June
  • In and around May, for a mentoring relationship from July to December

Time scales for scheme

These are estimated times for each phase of the scheme.

Event November phase May phase
Open Briefing Sessions for anyone interested in the scheme November May
Applications invited from new Mentors Ongoing Ongoing
Applications invited from Mentees November May
Training of new Mentors November - December May - June
Start of mentoring relationships Beginning of January Beginning of July
Close of mentoring relationships End of June End of December

For Academic, Research (including post-docs), Teaching and Scholarship staff.