(Some) of the Practicalities of Deploying Autonomous Systems

  • Date and time: Wednesday 5 June 2024, 2pm
  • Location: In-person and online
    ISA-135 Seminar Room, Institute for Safe Autonomy (Map)
  • Admission: Free admission, booking not required

Event details

Autonomous systems are becoming more and more capable, leading to a desire of utilising them in a wide variety of applications. There is, however, a gap between what is currently being achieved in well controlled environments and the next step of real-world deployment. In this talk I will give an overview of what we have been investigating which includes fundamental research of techniques to help with runtime uncertainty present within AI and autonomous systems, to applied research such as the PREVAIL and ASPEN projects.

About the speaker

Calum Imrie is a researcher with the Centre for Assuring Autonomy, and has a keen interest in robotics and AI, including what it entails to deploy these systems into the real world. He acquired his PhD at the University of Edinburgh with his thesis titled the Robustness of the Interaction of Robot Swarms, while also studying reinforcement learning, low level controllers such as Homeokinesis, and information theory. Calum joined the Assuring Autonomy International Programme in 2021 where he has done a variety of fundamental research and applied research; ranging from capturing the uncertainty of perception units for controller synthesis, to how environmental projects can utilise autonomous systems.


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