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University of York Longlisted for Aziz Inclusion Award

Posted on 13 May 2024

The University of York has been longlisted for the prestigious Aziz Inclusion Award, recognising its commitment to enhancing the British Muslim student experience on campus.

A crescent moon and a graduation hat, next to 'The Aziz Inclusion Award 2024'

The Aziz Inclusion Award, awarded annually, celebrates university partners that have “demonstrated excellence in bettering the British Muslim student experience on campus”. This acknowledgment reflects the University of York's dedication to creating a supportive and inclusive atmosphere for all students.

The University of York currently works with the foundation to support The Aziz Foundation Scholarship, which provides postgraduate opportunities for outstanding students from British Muslim backgrounds. The scholarships demonstrate the University’s continued commitment to widening participation at all levels and closing the BME attainment gap.

The University is also a preferred partner of the Aziz Foundation, demonstrating the Foundation's core values of social justice, compassion and cooperation, and actively promotes widening participation at the postgraduate level. The Aziz Foundation is also a partner of the Yorkshire Consortium for Equity in Doctoral Education (YCEDE), led by the University of York, which seeks to improve access and participation of Black, Asian and minority ethnic people in postgraduate research study across Yorkshire.

The winner and runner-up of the Aziz Inclusion Award will be announced in September. In the meantime, the University continues to bolster an unwavering commitment to inclusion and diversity. You can read more about how we aim to become a University of Opportunity, where every student feels empowered to succeed.