Alumni Recruitment Ambassador
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Become an Alumni Recruitment Ambassador
Following OPPA’s successful launch of the University’s first major fundraising campaign York Unlimited, we are now seeking to recruit voluntary Alumni Recruitment Ambassadors to help inform and inspire prospective students who are exploring whether to study at York.
This volunteering opportunity will come with a package of training and support from the University and is a perfect opportunity for you to broaden your network whilst playing an integral role in your global alumni community. The volunteer will work closely with OPPA, as well as fellow alumni volunteers and our student recruitment teams.
Purpose of the role
Our Alumni Recruitment Ambassadors work closely with our student recruitment teams and will be a key resource for prospective students to draw upon when making decisions about applying and making decisions to study in the UK.
Being an Alumni Recruitment Ambassador is a unique opportunity to share your experience at York and beyond and develop your skills as an influencer.

Key responsibilities
With OPPA’s support, volunteers will be required to undertake some or all of the duties below.
You are expected to share your contact details (e.g. email or Linkedin) and offer information, advice and guidance to prospective students and their families who want to find out more about studying at York based on your experience there. The questions could be about the course you studied, student life, work-life balance and careers after graduation.
You would not be expected to give detailed guidance on admissions processes or requirements, however you will be given training on how to signpost such questions.
You will represent and promote the University of York as an Alumni Recruitment Ambassador at student recruitment events, pre-departure events and school visits in your region. You may be asked to give a presentation about the University of York.
You are expected to actively raise the profile of the University locally. You will liaise with the International Regional Coordinators for your area, and perhaps with other York Alumni Recruitment Ambassadors in different parts of the world. You may also be asked to act as a contact point for visiting members of University staff.
You will be asked to provide a profile for York Profiles and Mentors and support current students’ career development. Depending on your circumstances and experience, you may be asked to provide insight into local employment and recruitment markets. We may ask you to work with our Careers Service to help identify potential local opportunities for such things as internships, paid work experience, or potential contacts who may be able to support current students by providing careers advice.
You will be liaising with other alumni volunteers, such as International Regional Coordinators in your region, and coordinate suitable networking opportunities for prospective students and alumni in your region.
As an Alumni Recruitment Ambassador, you will engage with your University contact, periodically providing feedback and collecting data. This feedback will develop the running of York’s alumni volunteering programme and will, in turn, gather feedback in order to develop the offer that we can provide to our community, including alumni and current and prospective students.
You will be expected to take part in and successfully complete any training which the University provides to you in connection with this voluntary role and to stay up to date with developments at the University of York.

Senal Premarathna, Alumni Recruitment Ambassador for York in Dubai
The University recognises the crucial role Volunteers play, and in return, Alumni Recruitment Ambassadors may benefit from many opportunities, including:
- personal and professional skills training and opportunities for continuing professional development
- broadening your social circle through contact with prospective students, schools and other alumni
- being involved in professional and academic networks which may benefit your career
- being an integral part of the active University of York community
- become a key influencer for students who are considering pursuing higher education abroad.
OPPA will provide training materials and appropriate literature to support you, as well as ongoing support throughout.
This voluntary role gives you access to fantastic opportunities within York’s alumni network, but it is also a responsibility that requires commitment, careful planning and thought.
All volunteers will be expected to abide by the University of York's Volunteer Charter and Privacy Policy, as well as all relevant legal requirements within their region and the UK.
If and when we might need in-person support in your country, reasonable travel costs would be reimbursed when agreed in advance.
For further information or to discuss this voluntary role, please contact Aiko Mizumori Hirst, International Volunteering and Alumni Officer, Office of Philanthropic Partnerships and Alumni (OPPA), University of York via aiko.mizumorihirst