
We must ensure our food supply chains are fit for the future. This means ensuring that the supply chains are healthy in the widest possible sense. Consumers need accessible, nutritious and safe foods. Businesses should each receive a fair share of profits. Our environment needs to be protected and enhanced. By looking at leadership, logistics and health in our supply chains we are seeking paths towards sustainable, resilient and secure food for our communities. Our research focuses on the local production of leafy greens that are common to Ghana and the UK to look at how each can be improved and how we can learn from each other.

Aims and Objectives

Our project focus is "Leadership, logistics and health in the local leafy green supply chain: policy imperatives from Ghana and UK practice".


  1. Synthesize comparative map of the local initiatives for leafy green food system transformation 
  2. Collect data from prominent food system stakeholders in each food system 
  3. Identify commonalities, origins of knowledge, enablers and barriers 
  4. Draft and submit a paper on food system stakeholder influence on sustainable policy and practice 
  5. Consolidate paper into practice report for stakeholders, YESI, FixOurFood, etc plus YESI case study (After project) Use paper and new relationships as the basis for collaborative research proposal Knowledge and partnership opportunity.

The Yorkshire (UK) and Kumasi (Ghana) local food systems exemplar emergent activities are the seeds of future mainstream systems that can mutually benefit the other. The researchers share interests in food building on prior N8 AgriFood institutional collaborations. The research process and outputs are valued; with varied career stage, discipline, etc we will learn from one another.

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KNUST logo made up of a Pot of Fire, Callipers, a Golden Stool, an Eagle with outstretched wings, Green leaves, and a Slogan.


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KNUST logo made up of a Pot of Fire, Callipers, a Golden Stool, an Eagle with outstretched wings, Green leaves, and a Slogan.