The Nexus of Climate Change, Communal Conflicts and Poverty in Northern Ghana
Experiences and Perceptions from Local Communities
PhD Project: Mohammed Kamal Jibril
Researchers have stressed that climate change is sometimes perceived by local communities to be caused by ancestors. As such, people are expected to behave adequately to earn the pleasure of the deities (Ndamani and Watanabe 2015). These perceptions then guide people's actions in the mitigation of the climate. Scholars point out that climate change perceptions and their consequences are strongly gendered and linked to social status (Owusu et al., 2019). My research will delve into those questions by focusing on Northern Ghana's local beliefs (that might be seen as superstitious) within communities relating to climate change, conflict, and poverty. I argue that local ideas are not to be dismissed because they influence people's perceptions and experiences, and ultimately their actions. Thus, they will be duly recorded, and the researcher will respect and record the interviewees' views, even if not believing in them.
Aims and objectives
To contribute to the body of knowledge about local people's experiences and perceptions regarding the dynamics in the linkage between climate change, communal conflicts, and poverty in the northern part of Ghana.
PhD Research Student: Mohammed Kamal Jibril
Professor Lindsay C. Stringer (Environment and Geography)
Professor Rebecca Tapscott (Politics and International Relations)
Professor Lindsay C. Stringer, Department of Environment/YESI
Professor Rebecca Tapscott, Department of Politics and International Relations
Government of Ghana