YESI Fellows Discipline Hopping grants awarded
We are pleased to announce that five YESI Fellows Discipline Hopping grants have been awarded in the first phase of the YESI Fellows Programme
The £195K of funding has been delivered via the NERC ‘Cross-Disciplinary Research for Discovery Science’ and investment from the University’s ESAY initiative.
Funded projects under the YESI Fellows Discipline Hopping scheme will take the form of teams of researchers (YESI Fellows) working together to explore new synergies or avenues of inquiry that enhance interdisciplinary working around environmental science challenges.
The projects
Indoor air pollution and lung health, led by Helen Davies (Environment & Geography) with Nicola Carslaw (Environment and Geography), Kamran Siddiqi (Health Sciences), Terry Dillon and Marvin Shaw (Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratories (WACL), Chemistry).
Natural language processing of biodiversity policy documents, led by Dimitar Kazakov (Computer Sciences), with Jamie Carr (Environment & Geography)
CraftWell, an evaluation of the wellbeing benefits of an outdoor Heritage Craft intervention, led by Aimée Little (Archaeology), with Peter Coventry (Health Sciences), Andy Needham (Archaeology) and Piran White (Environment and Geography).
Identifying opportunities for the ‘digital environment’, led by Ella Howes (Environment & Geography), with Florian Block (Theatre, Film,Television and Interactive Media).
Connecting blue carbon research, led by Ed Garrett (Environment & Geography) and Paul Hudson Environment & Geography), with Kelly Redeker (Biology), Rob Marchant (Environment and Geography), Rebecca Dunn (PhD student, Environment and Geography) and Lucy McMahon (PhD student, Environment and Geography)
We look forward to sharing more about the projects as they get underway in the coming months.
A new Fellows Knowledge Exchange scheme will follow in 2023.