
Funded by the UK Research Council’s Global Challenges Research Fund the Development Corridors Partnership began in October 2017 and the first phase ended in April 2022.

The Partnership is continuing to build capacity to address concerns about development corridors by encouraging scientific collaboration and stakeholder engagement in key issues of corridor planning and management. This will include applying the best tools and analyses (and developing new ones if necessary), and communicating recommendations to a wide range of stakeholders more effectively.

There are a number of spin off projects such as the EU-funded 'Space for Giants' project that is looking how to create space for wildlife in an increasingly dissected landscape.

Aims and Objectives

Managing Social and Environmental Risks, Participatory Scenario Planning, Understanding Social costs and benefits

Related links

Developement Corridors Partnership Logo

To learn more please visit the Development Corridors Partnership website

Professor Rob Marchant, Department of Environment and Geography

UNEP-WCMC is managing the project and leading the consortium of five universities, two NGOs and three Chinese think tanks.

UK Research Council’s Global Challenges Research Fund, European Union


Related links

Developement Corridors Partnership Logo

To learn more please visit the Development Corridors Partnership website