NERC Highlights Topic Information Session
Event details
Please join us for an informal introduction to developing a submission to the May 2023 NERC Highlights call for topics.
NERC’s annual Highlights call focuses strategic research on defined subject areas. Ideas for these topics can come from any individual or group, and any part of the environmental science community (including researchers and those who use environmental science research).
Calls developed from these ideas by NERC are open to anyone to apply to, but development of the topic via your team of partners provides you with a strong foundation for a competitive application to the eventual call. As well as identifying ideas for the following year’s Highlight Topics call, submitted ideas may also be used by NERC to shape larger programmes of directed research and forthcoming opportunities.
In this informal session, Prof. Jane Hill (Associate Dean for Research, Sciences and current NERC Science Committee member) will give a brief outline of her experience in assessing Highlight Topic ideas, followed by an open Q&A. Participants are encouraged to bring any ideas they may be developing for feedback, or to share their own experiences of submitting ideas to the call.
If you are thinking of submitting a Highlight Topic idea, but cannot attend the session, please contact Robyn.Inglis@york.ac.uk, Research & Innovation Development Manager (Environment).