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CWS Induction Week

Monday 16th September - Friday 20th September 2024

CWS Induction Week (Sep 16th-20th) will take place in person, on Campus East of the University of York, so please plan to be physically in York at least by the week before. Induction Week is compulsory for all new students. This will be your chance to meet your lecturers and learn everything you need to know in preparation for the new academic term and the year ahead. Below you will find the induction schedule for the week and some resources to get you started. 
Key Induction Week Events
  • Monday, Sep 16th (LMB/036X)
    • 9:30 -1:00 MA Induction for all new & returning MA students
    • Lunch: 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
    • 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Building the CWS Community Manifesto interactive session.
    • 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.: GEMMA Induction (PZA/016)
  • Tuesday, Sep 17th
    • Information fair (LMB Atrium) All new & current/returning PGRs welcome & encouraged to join!  
    • CWS Welcome Social from 5:00 p.m (LMB/031) Food, drinks, music & feminist merriment for all CWS staff, & students!
  • Digital Skills training sessions will be offered at different times both online and in person throughout the week. New students: please choose one session and RSVP via the CWS Google Calendar.  More information on the Information for new students page.
To-do list for new students
We trust that you have already enrolled onto the university system and have access to your university emails and services. If not, please do so immediately. Guidance is available on the New students' University welcome pages.  

Please check that you can access the University of York Timetable; where information on where and when your teaching will be taking place will shortly be made available. Feel free to look over these instructions on how to use the timetable and add modules to your timetable. 

Teaching at York is currently planned to be entirely on campus. If you expect there will be delays with your arrival to York and that you won't be able to attend your teaching in person from Sep 23rd, please contact the CWS immediately at

Important note on CWS Induction Week & Your Timetable
In the coming days, you should be able to view a range of CWS induction activities in your University of York Google Calendar and University Timetable. To view this, please make sure that you have enrolled and received your University of York username, which should give you access to your university Gmail and Google Calendar. You should receive an email asking you to add the calendar to your Google Calendar for the CWS events.

If you need any further help or assistance please do email
Monday 16th September @ 9.30am - 1:00pm: MA Induction (LMB/036X), compulsory for all new taught MA and GEMMA students and suggested for returning/part-time MA students, as well as any MA by Research students who would like to mingle with their fellow MAs. Please note that MA by Research students would also benefit from the PhD/MPhil/Research student induction the following day. 

Tuesday 17th September @ 5pm: CWS Welcome Social (LMB/031). A relaxed event with food, drinks, and feminist merriment, so you can meet your cohort, lecturers, and the wider CWS community in person.

In addition to the informational and social activities above, there will be digital skills training sessions offered at different times on Tuesday 17th and Friday 20th September. 

Meet your CWS Alumni & your digital skills guru!

Please sign up for one of these sessions. To sign up, simply select Yes on the Google Calendar invite you should have received from the CWS office. If you cannot see these sessions in your Google Calendar or can’t access the links.

  • Tuesday 17th September 2024 - 11:30-13:00 
  • Friday, 20th September 2024 - 10:00-12:00
  • Friday, 20th September 2024 - 13:00-15:00