The MA in Women's and Gender Studies by Research is taken full-time over one calendar year.
The course provides an exciting opportunity for those who already have a particular research interest and substantial undergraduate knowledge and expertise in the field of Women's and Gender Studies, and who are looking to learn research skills in order to pursue an independent piece of work.
The degree is examined solely via the submission of a 25,000 - 30,000 word dissertation. On the basis of the information included on their application form, each student will be allocated a supervisor who has knowledge relevant to their area of study. Students will have regular meetings with their supervisors for which they will regularly prepare work for discussion.
You will have regular meetings with your allocated supervisors and take the appropriate research training course in Women's Studies, alongside students on the taught MA degrees.
In certain circumstances, where appropriate and if it will enhance work being undertaken for the dissertation, you may be required to take a module from the main course, for example, Women's and Gender Studies Now or an option course from the taught MA degree.
For further information please contact the Centre’s Administrator