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Imagining the future of feminism in the academy

Monday 3 June 2024, 1.00PM to 18:00

The Centre for Women’s Studies (CWS) at the University of York is one of the oldest centres for women’s and gender studies and feminist research in the UK. The Symposium is an opportunity to reflect on women’s and gender studies’ radical past and imagine the future of feminism at UoY and in the academy.  The symposium also marks the launch of the Gender Hub, an initiative to bring together the wealth of expertise within the University on gender research, teaching, policy and practice.


13:15 – 14:30

By centering the lived experiences of women and other marginalised groups, feminist pedagogy imagines the classroom as a principled space for collective learning, development of voice, political activism, and open-mindedness. Academics across faculties and disciplines at this roundtable will consider what feminist approaches to pedagogy bring to the table in (re)imagining worlds, universities, institutions, ourselves, and how we relate to each other differently. 


Yener Bayramoglu – Sociology

Penny Bickle – Archaeology

Ruth Kelly – CAHR (Centre for Applied Human Rights)

Julianna Mensah – English and Related Literature

Alasia Nuti – Politics

Discussant: Asha Abeyasekera(CWS)


Feminist Activism: in and beyond the Classroom

14:30 - 15:00

PGT and PGR students will share their experiences of doing activism while studying at CWS, giving insight into how feminist praxis informs and feeds into their academic work.



15:15 – 16:30

PGR students from across departments critically reflect on feminist theory in their research: Why is it still important to study women’s lived experiences, gender identities, and gender relations? How has feminist theory helped explore and answer the questions at the heart of their work?

Discussant: Alison Phipps - Newcastle University


Severine Angers – History

Sanna Eriksson – CWS

Xiao Ge – CWS

Diana Infanta-Vargas – Politics

Tallulah Lines – Politics

Sarah Veale – Health Sciences

Jocelyn Xu - History



16:45 – 18:00

Women constitute 54 per cent of the HE workforce in the UK and 45 percent of academic jobs but only 28 percent of academic leaders. This panel brings together women leaders from across UoY to discuss gendered inequalities in HE leadership, the challenges and potential for change.


Karen Rowlingson - Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences

Henrice Altink - Convenor, Women’s Forum

Anne-marie Greene - Chair in Work and Diversity, School of Business & Society

Ruth Penfold-Mounce - Deputy HoD, Sociology

Anna Reader - Head, Equality & Diversity, Human Resources

with video presentation by Vanita Sundaram and Kathryn Asbury Co-HoDs, Education

Discussant: Rachel Alsop - Director, CWS

Symposium Flyer 

Location: 023/ CLB Church Lane Building

Email: For more details please email: