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Association of University Teachers



As at 31 August 2005

Audit NOT yet completed

Report of the Auditor of the York Local Association of University Teachers made in accordance with Sections 36 and 37 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.
We have audited the Balance Sheet at 31st August 2005 and the Income and Expenditure Account for the period ended on that date which have been prepared under the historical cost convention.
In our opinion the Local Association has kept proper accounting records and give, under the historical cost convention, a true and fair view of the state of its affairs at 31st August 2005 and of the surplus for the period ended on that date.

Signed (D Hatcliff, FCCA)
Date 18 October 2005
Address of Auditor(s) 4 Elmlands Grove
Stockton Lane
York YO31 1EE

4aFixed Assets (complete details on Z/193)
4bInvestments - quoted (complete details on Z/195)
4c- unquoted (complete details on Z/195)
Current Assets
4dCash in hand
4eBank current accounts 2248859
4fBank deposit accounts
4gBuilding Society account (Name of Society          )
4hSubscriptions receivable after the end of the year -
from employer
from direct debits
from other
4iSundry debtors
4jGrants receivable from AUT HQ
4kTravel claims
4lCollection charges claim
4mComputer Grant
4nOther (to be specified)
TOTAL A (should agree with B opposite) 2248859

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