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We're giving students in all departments opportunities to engage with real world learning focusing on sustainability initiatives.

We have a long track record of offering students the opportunity to engage in genuine applications of their learning - for example, the Flood Week initiative which has allowed many students in Environment and Geography to design modifications to York’s flood defences and pitch these to the City of York Council and the Environment Agency.

Since the launch of the Environmental Sustainability Academy at York (ESAY) in October 2021, we've developed new learning experiences through the creation of innovative interdisciplinary teaching programmes that broaden students' minds to think about environmental sustainability through diverse perspectives.

York Interdisciplinary Modules (YIMs)

ESAY is offering a suite of sustainability-related YIMs which have been designed to equip students to work collaboratively in multi-disciplinary teams to solve local, regional and global sustainability challenges. They offer students the opportunity to develop key skills and competencies in working across disciplines on contemporary challenges. The modules are led by academics from different departments to introduce different disciplinary perspectives to the specific topics of focus.

Learn more about York Interdisciplinary Modules

The Sustainability Clinic

Students from a range of disciplines work together on 'live' real world sustainability problems facing local and regional organisations and businesses. Problems focus on a wide range of topics including, environmental quality and biodiversity; awareness raising and education; sustainable business, policy and regulation; and heritage and culture.

Students are supported by dedicated training, a project facilitator and access to advice from a team of experts from across the University.

Find out about the Sustainability Clinic

Student Sustainability Opportunities Hub

Available for all current students, the hub is a space to discover sustainability-related opportunities, curricular and extra-curricular, from modules and courses to internships, volunteering and events. 

Explore the Sustainability Opportunities Hub

York Living Labs

Established to bring together our University community to work on sustainability problems on campus, and use the campus as a test-bed for sustainability solutions which have wider impact. York Living Labs are based around key focus areas such as biodiversity, food or travel and involve days or weeks of action which are intended to engage our whole community in sustainability issues.

The Living Labs are intended to provide powerful learning opportunities for our students, and motivate and empower everyone on campus to drive changes towards sustainability.

Read about the pilot and future plans for York Living Labs

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Education that empowers

Professor Tracy Lightfoot (Pro VC for Teaching, Learning and Students)

Learning and teaching at York (information for staff)

Studying at York (information for students)

About the University

Related links

Education that empowers

Professor Tracy Lightfoot (Pro VC for Teaching, Learning and Students)

Learning and teaching at York (information for staff)

Studying at York (information for students)

About the University