Welcome to Black Access at York
Join our free programme for Black students at college or sixth form, designed and run with current Black students at the Uni of York. We're here to give our take on living and learning in higher education, and want to do what we can to help others thrive in their journey.

Meet the team
For Black students, by Black students. That's our motto.
On the Black Access programme, you'll find your people, share your story, hear honest opinions about the Black student experience, get advice from those with similar backgrounds, and earn yourself a reduced university offer.

Other benefits
Guaranteed offer
If you complete all elements of the programme, you could be guaranteed an offer (or interview, for subjects that interview) to study at the University of York.
Alternative offer
If you're made an offer by York, it could be for up to three grades below our standard offer for your chosen course.
Transition support
You'll also complete our YorJourney programme, which runs for four weeks in the summer before you enrol. It's designed to support your transition to York.
How to get involved
To join us on the programme, fill in our application form below before 9am on 6 December. When you're done, we'll get in touch with your parent/carer/guardian and teacher to get their permission before 9am on 11 December.
You're eligible for the programme if:
- you're from a Black background, such as Black African, Black Caribbean, Mixed or multiple ethnic groups (including Black heritage), or another Black background
- you completed your GCSEs (or equivalent) at a UK state school, and achieved eight or more A* to C (or 9 to 4) grades, including English Language and Mathematics
- you're in your first year of further education (Year 12, Level 3 or Year 1) at a UK state school or college, and have the potential to achieve BCC at A level (or equivalent).
We understand grades alone don't reflect potential. We consider other circumstances that impacted your ability to achieve our grade criteria, or that may prevent you from completing Key Stage 4. Your school or college referee should reference this in your application. To discuss anything further, submit an application or contact the team.
“The support is unlike anything I've experienced before. Before, during and after, I felt well cared for.”
“I enjoyed hearing the stories from Black students about their experiences at university, as it was something I was extremely concerned about.”
“I enjoyed being part of a programme whose focus is to increase opportunities to succeed into higher education for people of colour.”
Past Black Access students
“Honestly, this job has been the best experience of my time at York. It's allowed me to benefit prospective Black students, and be closer with the Black community already here. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”
“Truly a unique job that you could not find anywhere else. Black Access has been an amazing experience that I've thoroughly enjoyed. I've felt part of a project enacting real, visible change that I've contributed to – it's such a rewarding feeling that few other roles provide.”
The Black Access team