Postgraduate research funding for UK (home) students

We offer scholarships, bursaries and other funding to help you with tuition fees and living expenses.

Funding opportunities open and close all the time, so please check this page throughout the year.

Types of funding

Government schemes, like Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) and Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs), are the main sources of financial support for postgraduate researchers. We award over £7m of funding each year through UK Research and Innovation (

UK Government loans

You may be entitled to a postgraduate loan to help fund your studies.

Funding for students with disabilities

If you have a mental health problem, long-term illness or any other disability, you may be eligible for additional financial support.

Funding opportunities

The following opportunities are currently open for applications.

Wolfson Humanities Scholarship

With generous funding from the Wolfson Foundation, the Wolfson Postgraduate Scholarships fund doctoral research in three areas: History, Literature and Languages.

  • Funding: £36,250 per year
  • Academic year: 2025/26
  • Application deadline: Sunday 22 December 2024, 5pm GMT
  • Open to: International (including EU), International (non-EU) and UK (home) students

White Rose Social Sciences Doctoral Training Partnership

The Economic and Social Research Council White Rose DTP is a regional consortium of seven universities with social science research excellence and involves the universities of Sheffield, Leeds and York as well as Bradford, Hull, Manchester Metropolitan and Sheffield Hallam.

  • Funding: ESRC stipend (£19,872 in 2025/26) plus full fee waiver
  • Academic year: 2025/26
  • Application deadline: Wednesday 22 January 2025, 5pm GMT
  • Open to: International (including EU), International (non-EU) and UK (home) students

Departmental opportunities

Many of our departments and centres offer additional opportunities and specialised guidance on funding your studies.

Other schemes and resources

External opportunities are not vetted or endorsed by the University.

Previous opportunities

Many funding opportunities are renewed annually. Some of those listed below may reopen for applications later in the year.