Our study centres provide an opportunity to reap the career and personal development benefits of a short period of learning abroad. Centres have been held in India, China, Mexico, South Africa and the USA.

See ISC opportunities for current students

Short-term global opportunities

Travel alongside a group of York students and boost your international engagement by taking part in this short and intensive academic, cultural and social experience. Course content is developed in conjunction with high-quality partner universities and aims to provide you with an extracurricular study experience.

These short programmes are open to all York students and serve as great additions to your CV while showing potential employers that you can bring an international perspective to the workplace.

The two-week ISC programme rewarded me beyond my expectations. The variety of teaching styles was a tremendous bonus and a real juxtaposition to traditional British pedagogy. The tasks we were given to complete in class not only strengthened my understanding of my own leadership strengths but very effectively facilitated building connections between peers. I am impressed with how much high-quality content was included in just a two-week programme. The schedule was well-balanced with free time and fun activities.

Alice, MA Social Research

Immerse yourself in another culture

experience lectures and excursions to key historical and cultural sites.

Enhance your career prospects

demonstrate your global perspective and ambition to employers.

Get support for your travels

our Global Opportunities team are here to help you make the most out of your opportunity.