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Postgraduate Eighteenth Century Studies

Let's explore the past together

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Since its foundation, the Centre for Eighteenth Century Studies has come to be recognised as a leading centre in the English-speaking world for interdisciplinary research in the eighteenth century.

Our highly successful MA in Eighteenth Century Studies offers a wide choice of taught and practical modules. Our staff welcome proposals from students interested in pursuing a research degree.

Our taught Masters courses

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Our research degrees

We also offer the following research degrees:

  • MA by Research
  • MPhil
  • PhD

Why study Eighteenth Century Studies at York

Follow your interests

Study a wide range of course content options with global reach across different fields of study.

Rich local resources

Study in a beautiful historic city, and use the York Minster Library, King's Manor and the Borthwick Institute.

Postgraduate Online Open Day

5 February 2025, 11am to 2pm GMT

Find out what postgraduate study at York is all about at our Online Open Day.

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