Personal statements

A personal statement can be included as part of your application. For some courses it forms a part of the assessment process.

Unless stated otherwise, your personal statement should be between 500 and 1,000 words. It must be in English, and be your own work. You should tell us:

  • why you're interested in and suitable for the course
  • about your relevant background experience
  • how this course will benefit your career plans.

Departmental requirements

Details of what to include in your personal statement will be provided during the application process. To help you to prepare before you apply, you can find out about course-specific requirements below. The course pages will also give you some ideas about what to include in your statement.

Contact us

Got a question about applying to York? Email our friendly Admissions Team for advice and support.

If you've already applied to study at York please use You@York to upload any documents. Please do not email documents to us.

Postgraduate Admissions
+44 (0)1904 322142

Outline the reasons why you are suited or well-qualified for this course, your motivation for applying and how you will benefit from the course. You should also add any other information that you feel will help us to assess your application.

Supply a personal statement of approximately 1,000 words which explains:

  • your interest in the course
  • how your previous studies or current interests intersect with the course
  • why you are attracted to an interdisciplinary course
  • what you expect to gain from the course.

Supply a personal statement of approximately 1,000 words which explains:

  • your interest in the course
  • how your previous studies or current interests relate to the course
  • why you are attracted to an interdisciplinary course
  • what you expect to gain from the course.

Provide brief details of why you are interested in the interdisciplinary study of the Renaissance and Early Modern period, and of your aspirations following the degree.

You may wish to comment on the range of modules you're interested in, and/or on prospective dissertation topics and supervisors, though this is not compulsory. You should also give details of any relevant experience beyond your academic career.

Write one to two pages about your background, why you are interested in the course you are applying to, any relevant experience you have and any other information you feel is relevant to your application.

If you are applying for the MSc in Data Science, describe your scientific interests and experience, and explains in which field(s) you would be most interested in carrying out a research project and why.

Write a short statement detailing your motivations for studying the course, your previous experience in this area, and how you meet the entry requirements.

Course-specific requirements

  • PG Cert in System Safety Engineering
  • PG Dip/MSc in Safety Critical Systems Engineering

These courses are intended for students with considerable practical engineering in an industrial setting. Please highlight these elements of your experience in your personal statement.

MSc in Psychology in Education

Please enclose a personal statement with your application. This should be between 300 and 400 words in length, and cover:

  • how the course you have applied for suits your needs and your academic interests
  • how it fits into your future plans
  • details of relevant work or voluntary experience.

MA in Social Justice and Education

Your personal statement should be between 300 and 400 words in length, and cover:

  • relevant details of your academic and education background
  • details of relevant activities you have undertaken, like designing teaching materials, or organising short courses
  • how the course you have applied for suits your needs and what attracts you to it
  • how it fits into your future plans.

All other MA courses

Your statement should be 300 to 400 words and tell us about your academic interests and your reasons for applying to the course.

Please include any additional information about your academic background, work experience and why you are applying to study for this course.

Supply a personal statement of approximately 500 to 1,000 words which explains your interest in the MA, how your previous studies or current interests intersect with the course, and what you expect to gain from the course.

MSc Sustainable Business: Leadership, Innovation and Management

Students who will be most successful on this course are those who are able to demonstrate the following skills and attitudes:

  • keen to drive change towards a sustainable future
  • highly motivated and independent learner
  • willingness to fully engage with a range of different learning activities
  • collaborative approach to working within a team
  • ability to be creative and help generate solutions to real-world business challenges
  • interest in developing a global perspective.

Please provide a short, 500 words, statement providing evidence to demonstrate that you have the skills and attitudes to be successful in this programme.

Provide a brief summary outlining your reasons for choosing your course.

Your personal statement should be 500-1000 words in length. Please tell us why:

  • you wish to study the course
  • how your previous studies and experience have prepared you for it, and
  • what you hope to gain from the course.

Please also include any other information that you feel will help us to assess your application.

We are keen to hear about your academic and other experiences, which may or may not include previous study of the history of art.

You should explain your interest in the subject, which may include approaches as well as periods or artists.

Finally, explain what has attracted you to the course at York and what you would like to do here.

Your personal statement should be no more than 500 words.

Your personal statement should be 500 to 1,000 words in length.

It should include clear information about how much (if any) linguistics you have previously studied.

If you're applying to a specialist course you should explain why you have chosen this course, and why you believe that your background is suitable.


MA in Interpreting, Translation and Applied Technologies

Your application should include a 500-700 words personal statement describing your background, relevant information about your language background, relevant personal, academic and/or professional experience, and why you want to study this programme.

At the top of your statement, you should specify the languages in your language combination with which you intend to study.

A personal statement of no more than 500 words should be submitted, explaining why you want to study for this course at York.

Your statement should be no longer than 500 words. It should include:

  • an explanation of why you want to study the course
  • a discussion of any previous work experience which may be relevant to this course
  • what you hope to do with your Masters degree upon completion.
  • MSc in Clinical Anatomy
  • MSc in Clinical Anatomy and Education
  • MSc in Pharmacology and Drug Development

Your personal statement include information about your academic background, relevant experience and motivation for undertaking the course.

MSc in Physician Associate Studies

Detail your previous grounding in Chemistry, either through your degree or A Levels, and explore your motivation to undertake the role of a professional Physician Associate.

All other courses

A personal statement should demonstrate your motivation for undertaking the course at Hull York Medical School. You should provide information about your academic or clinical background and your current clinical role if applicable.

Your personal statement should be as specific as possible, telling us for example:

  • what engages you academically about the middle ages
  • what are the main questions or scholars that inspire you

You might also draw our attention to anything else that might demonstrate your commitment to study (work experience, relevant extracurricular activities) and any additional skills or abilities (for example, language skills).

Please tell us in your personal statement about your music studies/experience to date, your plans for the future, and why you think the course is the right choice for you.

Outline the reasons why you are suited or well-qualified for this course, your motivation for applying, how you will benefit from the course and what you hope to bring to the research group. You should also add any other information that you feel will help us to assess your application.

The statement should be 500 to 1000 words in length, in English, and your own words.

Your personal statement must demonstrate your enthusiasm for the course you're applying to. For example, you might explain your intellectual passion for the subject, or show your interest through discussing practical or work experience you may have gained.

MSc courses

Supply a one to two-page statement describing:

  • why you would like to take this course
  • your relevant background experience and training
  • your plans for the future.

Your personal statement must demonstrate your enthusiasm for the course you are applying to. For example, you might explain your intellectual passion for the subject, or show your interest through discussing practical or work experience you may have gained.

MSc Social Media and Management and MSc Social Media and Interactive Technologies

In your personal statement you should use the course information available and tell us what you hope to learn and where the degree will lead to after graduation.

MA in Film and Television Production with Sound

Please provide a personal statement in the form of a recorded video 'self tape' lasting no more than four minutes, with you directly answering these questions:

  • What is it about sound for Film and Television that interests you?
  • What filmmaking experience do you have working in sound?
  • What qualities do you possess that you feel would make you a good sound engineer?
  • Why do you want to come to study the MA with Sound at York?

Your self-tape must be presented in one unedited piece to camera, and show your face clearly in a suitable, balanced mid-shot or medium close-up frame. The quality of the sound, camera or lighting is not important, provided we can hear and see you at all times, but you may wish to use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your creative and technical skills in sound as part of this submission. Again, the quality of the edit is not important, but your answers to the questions asked are.

Your self-tape can be provided as one of the weblinks alongside your project examples in the written portfolio PDF or Word document (see other application requirements), or you can provide a link to the self-tape in a separate PDF or Word document if preferred.

MA in Film and Television Production with Editing

Please provide a personal statement in the form of a recorded video 'self tape' lasting no more than four minutes, with you directly answering these questions:

  • What is it about editing for Film and Television that interests you?
  • What filmmaking experience do you have working in editing?
  • What qualities do you possess that you feel would make you a good editor?
  • Why do you want to come to study the MA with Editing at York?

Your self-tape must be presented in one unedited piece to camera, and show your face clearly in a suitable, balanced mid-shot or medium close-up frame. The quality of the sound, camera or lighting is not important, provided we can hear and see you at all times, but you may wish to use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your creative and technical skills in editing as part of this submission. Again, the quality of the edit is not important, but your answers to the questions asked are.

Your self-tape can be provided as one of the weblinks alongside your project examples in the written portfolio PDF or Word document (see other application requirements), or you can provide a link to the self-tape in a separate PDF or Word document if preferred.

MA in Film and Television Production with Cinematography

Please provide a personal statement in the form of a recorded video 'self tape' lasting no more than four minutes, with you directly answering these questions:

  • What is it about cinematography that interests you?
  • What filmmaking experience do you have working in cinematography?
  • What qualities do you possess that you feel would make you a good cinematographer?
  • Why do you want to come to study the MA with Cinematography at York?

Your self-tape must be presented in one unedited piece to camera and show your face clearly in a suitable, balanced mid-shot or medium close-up frame. The quality of the sound, camera or lighting is not important, provided we can hear and see you at all times, but you may wish to use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your creative and technical skills in cinematography as part of this submission. Again, the quality of the edit is not important, but your answers to the questions asked are.

Your self-tape can be provided as one of the weblinks alongside your project examples in the written portfolio PDF or Word document (see other application requirements), or you can provide a link to the self-tape in a separate PDF or Word document if preferred.

MA in Film and Television Production with Producing

Please provide a personal statement in the form of a recorded video 'self tape' lasting no more than four minutes, with you directly answering these questions:

  • What is it about producing for Film and Television that interests you?
  • What filmmaking experience do you have working in production?
  • What qualities do you possess that you feel would make you a good producer?
  • Why do you want to come to study the MA with Producing at York?

Your self-tape must be presented in one unedited piece to camera, and show your face clearly in a suitable, balanced mid-shot or medium close-up frame. The quality of the sound, camera or lighting is not important, provided we can hear and see you at all times, but you may wish to use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your production skills as part of this submission. Again, the quality of the edit is not important, but your answers to the questions asked are.

Your self-tape can be provided as one of the weblinks alongside your project examples in the written portfolio PDF or Word document (see other application requirements), or you can provide a link to the self-tape in a separate PDF or Word document if preferred.

MA in Film and Television Production with Directing

Please provide a personal statement in the form of a recorded video 'self tape' lasting no more than four minutes, with you directly answering these questions:

  • What is it about directing for Film and Television that interests you?
  • What filmmaking experience do you have working as a director?
  • What qualities do you possess that you feel would make you a good director?
  • Why do you want to come to study the MA with Directing at York?

Your self-tape must be presented in one unedited piece to camera, and show your face clearly in a suitable, balanced mid-shot or medium close-up frame. The quality of the sound, camera or lighting is not important, provided we can hear and see you at all times, but you may wish to use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your creative and technical skills in directing. Again, the quality of the edit is not important, but your answers to the questions asked are.

Your self-tape can be provided as one of the weblinks alongside your project examples in the written portfolio PDF or Word document (see other application requirements), or you can provide a link to the self-tape in a separate PDF or Word document if preferred.

MSc in Digital Design

Please tell us why you are interested in design and the MSc in Digital Design and how this degree might support your career aspirations. Please also include and explain an example of something related to design that you’ve either been involved in, or an existing digital design product or service that you feel is particularly interesting or significant.

Contact us

Got a question about applying to York? Email our friendly Admissions Team for advice and support.

If you've already applied to study at York please use You@York to upload any documents. Please do not email documents to us.

Postgraduate Admissions
+44 (0)1904 322142