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Home>Study at York>Free online courses>Tackling environmental challenges for a sustainable future

Tackling environmental challenges for a sustainable future

Discover how environmental research can inform how we respond to and solve the major global environmental issues of today.

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Four weeks The latest taught course has already taken place, but you can still take a self-guided version. Simply sign up to start. Environment and Geography FutureLearn

Most of you know that our planet is changing, and we are facing major environmental issues. Our energy use is unsustainable, we are producing waste plastic that is endangering our seas and waterways and large parts of the natural world are disappearing.  We need to find sustainable solutions to these serious problems - and soon. There has never been a more important time to study the environment. 

In this course, you will discover how the environment is studied and how our research at the University of York is helping to develop sustainable solutions to environmental problems.

Assessments (and subsequent certificates) are optional and carry a fee, with the exception of people with a York username for whom they are free.

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