Accents, attitudes and identity

An insightful look into how our visions of ourselves and others interact, and the chance to engage with one of the largest centres for the study of sociolinguistics in the UK. 

Length Start date Led by  In partnership with
Four weeks Tutor facilitation starts 22 July 2024. Language and Linguistic Science

This course is for anyone interested in finding out more about sociolinguistics. Topics include:

  • attitudes to accents in the UK
  • how sociolinguists measure accents and attitudes
  • the relationship between accents and identity
  • why accents matter in the real world

The course is particularly useful for sixth form students looking to study English language or linguistics at university. It could be used as supporting evidence in your UCAS personal statement.

Assessments (and subsequent certificates) are optional and carry a fee, with the exception of people with a York username for whom they are free.

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We make alternative offers for some of our undergraduate degrees, including the completion of a MOOC for eligible applicants. This includes this MOOC.

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