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Modules for visiting students in the Department of History span a swathe of history from the fall of Rome to the present day. They cover the globe, from Britain, Europe and Russia, to the Americas, Iran, Hong Kong, India and Africa.

If you would like to study History with us, you must make an initial application to the Department of History as one of the two main departments on your application form. Due to space and timetabling constraints, you cannot add modules from the Department of History after you have been accepted to other departments.

Undergraduate students

You can study History at York as a visiting student for Semester 1, Semester 2 or a whole academic year.

If you come for a single semester in Year 2 you will choose two options from the Optional Modules list, and you will do one Core module.

English language requirements

IELTS: 6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 in each component (the language requirements are part way down the page. The other requirements are not applicable).

For more information see our undergraduate English language requirements.

Studying with other departments

You may be able to study a combination of modules from History and other departments. Please contact us to discuss your circumstances and interests.

Postgraduate students

Academic requirements

You should hold a good undergraduate degree (2:2, 2:1 or first) in history or related subject.

English language requirements

IELTS: 7.0 with a minimum of 6.5 in each component (the language requirements are part way down the page. The other requirements are not applicable).

For more information see our postgraduate English language requirements.

Choosing your modules

You can view the department’s modules in the module catalogue. To help you get started, we have written a short guide on how to use the module catalogue.

We will contact you during August or December (depending on your start date) to finalise your module choices.

Teaching schedule

You can study in our department for the following periods only:

  • Full academic year
  • Semester 1 only
  • Semester 2 only

Examination and assessment

Assessment is mainly by examination during the Common Examination Periods in January and Semester 2 (alternate assessment is not available) or by assignment submitted via the VLE.

Start your application

Undergraduate modules

Contact us

Tara Alberts
International Officer

History Undergraduate Administrator

History Postgraduate Administrator

Related links

Department of History

The list below shows our modules for 2024/25. Our 2025/26 modules will be available soon in the module catalogue.

Module Code Module Description Year / Stage Semester Credits ECTS
HIS00124I Bankers, Merchants, and Poets: Florence and the Roots of the Renaissance 2 1 20 10
HIS00156I Vikings and Historians: Historiographical Dialogues through the Ages 2 1 20 10
HIS00134I (His)Tory: Conservatives and conservatism in modern Britain and America 2 1 20 10
HIS00131I Empire and Cultural Exchange in Asia, 1500-1700 2 1 20 10
HIS00139I Social Science and Modern Britain, c.1880-c.1970 2 1 20 10
HIS00147I Health for all? International Health from Colonial Medicine to Covid Vaccine 2 1 20 10
HIS00153I Chivalry, Identity and Love 1350-1450 2 1 20 10
HIS00155I Catherine the Great 2 1 20 10
HIS00160I Gender, Enlightenment and Revolution in Eighteenth-Century Europe 2 1 20 10
HIS00142I From the global shadows: Africa and the world since the 1950s 2 2 20 10
HIS00146I Heterosexual Africa? Sexuality, Power, and Politics in Africa since 1900 2 2 20 10
HIS00151I Black Radicalism 2 2 20 10
HIS00168I Crime and Society in Britain and Ireland since 1750 2 2 20 10
HIS00143I Kingship, Rule and Crisis in Medieval England 2 2 20 10
HIS00140I Before the Mongols: Nomadic Empires of Central Eurasia, 900-1200 2 2 20 10
HIS00158I Persecution and Toleration in Early Modern Britain 2 2 20 10
HIS00125I Historical Thinking 2 2 20 10
HIS00003M Approaches to Renaissance and Early Modern Studies MA S1 20 10
HIS00009M Perspectives on Medieval History MA S1 20 10
HIS00010M Approaches to Modern History MA S1 20 10
HIS00029M Approaches to Early Modern History  MA S1 20 10
HIS00053M Making the Contemporary World: History, Politics and Ideas since 1945 MA S1 20 10
HIS00091M Medical History and Humanities: A Critical Introduction MA S1 20 10
HIS00147M Concepts and Approaches in Public History MA S1 20 10
HIS00073M Violence in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1700 MA 1 20 10
HIS00077M Experiencing & Remembering the French Wars, 1792-1917 MA 1 20 10
HIS00093M A Picture of Health: The Mass Media & Public Health in the Twentieth Century MA 1 20 10
HIS00124M Colonialism in China MA 1 20 10
HIS00138M Trans-Asian Trade along the Silk Roads, 1000-1199 MA 1 20 10
HIS00153M Decolonisation and Development: the British Empire,1945-1964 MA 1 20 10
HIS00166M Performing, Playing, & Re-enacting the Long Eighteenth Century MA 1 20 10
HIS00173M Messiahs, Mojaheds, and Marxists: Social Protest, Resistance, and Revolution in Modern Iran, 1848-1982 MA 1 20 10
HIS00178M All the City’s a Stage? Performance and Ritual in Late Medieval Europe MA 1 20 10
HIS00066M The Uses of Writing in the 'Dark Ages' from Late Antiquity to the Age of Charlemagne & Beyond MA 2 20 10
HIS00074M Russian Foreign Policy from Alexander I to Vladimir Putin MA 2 20 10
HIS00081M Mending the Past: History & the Politics of Guilt & Reparation MA 2 20 10
HIS00154M Representing Power in Early Modern England MA 2 20 10
HIS00162M Becoming British? Nations and identities in the early modern Atlantic world MA 2 20 10
HIS00163M Medieval Lives MA 2 20 10
HIS00167M Public intellectuals: authority and the medieval university MA 2 20 10
HIS00169M Oral History Methods MA 2 20 10
HIS00174M Goods, Ideas, and People: Modern Latin America from a Global Perspective (1810-1910) MA 2 20 10
HIS00177M Smell and the Past: Noses and Environments from the Rome to Virtual Reality MA 2 20 10

Contact us

Tara Alberts
International Officer

History Undergraduate Administrator

History Postgraduate Administrator

Related links

Department of History