Full time students who have accepted a firm or insurance offer can apply for accommodation. This page will tell you everything you need to know about the application process.

2025/26 applications

Accommodation applications for undergraduates expecting to join us in the 2025/26 academic year will open on Monday 14 April 2025. 

Our undergraduate accommodation guarantee

You're guaranteed an offer of a single-occupancy room in accommodation owned, managed or approved by the University, if you apply for accommodation for the full academic year 2025/26, and meet the following criteria: 

  • You're a new first-year undergraduate (UK or International).
  • You choose York as your firm choice on UCAS, and apply for accommodation by 5pm BST on 31 July 2025. 
  • Your offer becomes unconditional following A-Level Results Day on 14 August 2025.

Undergraduate visiting students

You're also guaranteed an offer of a single-occupancy room in accommodation owned, managed or approved by the University, if you meet the following criteria:  

  • Accept an unconditional course offer to study at York from Semester 1 (starting your course in September 2025) by 5pm BST on 30 June 2025.
  • or, accept an unconditional offer to study at York for Semester 2 (starting your course in February 2026) by 5pm on 30 November 2025.

Students who are not guaranteed accommodation

If you don't meet the above criteria, we would still encourage you to apply for accommodation by the deadline date of 31 July 2025 for the 2025/26 academic year. If you are unable to apply by the deadline, applications will open again from 14 August 2025.

Contact us

Office hours: Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm (excluding public holidays)

Accommodation Services

+44 (0)1904 322165

How to apply

When you apply for accommodation, we’ll ask you to rank your room choices in order. Each choice is for a specific room type in a specific college.

You can apply for different room types across different colleges. Just make sure to include at least three shared bathroom bedrooms in your preferences.

What happens next

1. Application confirmed

Once you’ve applied we'll send you a confirmation email. If you mentioned additional requirements, please ensure you upload the relevant supporting medical evidence. We'll be in touch if we require further information.

2. Receive your room offer*

Room offers are sent out from UK A-level results day and will contain an offer of a room detailing the college, room type and let length.

3. Accept your room offer

You’ll need to accept your offer by the date stated in the email by following the link provided. Make sure you have internet access for this.

4. Receive your room number

Room numbers will be sent out from September. Around this time, you’ll also start to hear more from your college about arrivals and events.

5. Pay your first rent instalment

Your rent is split over three instalments, the first of which will be due in October. We recommend setting up a direct debit.

Your room allocation and offer

Can I cancel my booking?

If you are a current student with a confirmed accommodation booking, you are not eligible to end your agreement with us, and you are responsible for the accommodation fee subject to the terms and conditions of your residence contract.

If you are a new student with an accommodation booking, and you are not planning to move to York to start your course, please email us at accommodation@york.ac.uk at the earliest opportunity and we'll confirm whether you're eligible to cancel, as well as any choices and steps to be taken and any charges to be paid.

Contact us

Office hours: Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm (excluding public holidays)

Accommodation Services

+44 (0)1904 322165