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Colleges, rooms and prices

Unlike most other universities, accommodation at York is centered around our eleven colleges, whose community you'll become a member of throughout your time at York and beyond.

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What's a college?

Your college is your accommodation, close to social, study and catering facilities, each with their own common room.

Colleges are also your first point of support and guidance, a place to try out new things, get involved in university life and foster a sense of belonging upon arrival - all of which make the transition to moving somewhere new that much easier.

Find out more about college life

Your college is your accommodation. When you list your accommodation preferences, you’ll be listing preferences for individual rooms in each college. Your accommodation offer will be for a room in one of our colleges and when you arrive, you’ll move into your college and they’ll be there to welcome you.

If you decide to live off campus, don’t worry, you’ll still become a member of a college and gain access to their common room, events, support and guidance.

It sounds cheesy, but the best college is the one that you’re in. That’s where you’ll make your first friends, get involved with activities and events, and start the adventure of university life. You don't need to apply for a particular college based on your course. Our compact campus means that all colleges are a short walk from departments and teaching buildings. The most important thing is that you’re part of one.

Compare prices 2024/25

What does all this mean?
If you'd like to find out more about what each price band and room type means, take a look at our undergraduate and postgraduate accommodation pages.

The following rent prices are for the 2024/25 academic only and may change for your year of entry.

Room type Bathroom Catering Location Let length Per week Per year
Band 1 Shared Bathroom Self-catered Halifax College 40 weeks £99 £3,960
Band 1 Shared Bathroom Catered Vanbrugh College
(Fairfax House)
40 weeks £148 £5,920
Band 3 Shared Bathroom Self-catered Halifax College 40 weeks £166 £6,640
Band 2 Ensuite Self-catered
(weekly college meal)
David Kato College 44 weeks £157 £6,908
Band 2 Ensuite Self-catered
(weekly college meal)
Anne Lister College 44 weeks £157 £6,908
Band 3 Ensuite Self-catered Alcuin College 40 weeks £183 £7,320
Band 2 Shared Bathroom Catered Derwent College 40 weeks £187 £7,480
Band 3 Shared Bathroom Self-catered
(weekly college meal)
Goodricke College 44 weeks £172 £7,568
Band 4 Shared Bathroom Self-catered
(weekly college meal)
Constantine College 44 weeks £186 £8,184
Band 4 Shared Bathroom Self-catered
(weekly college meal)
Langwith College 44 weeks £186 £8,184
Band 2 Ensuite Catered Derwent College 40 weeks £205 £8,200
Band 3 Ensuite Self-catered
(weekly college meal)
Anne Lister College 44 weeks £189 £8,316
Band 3 Ensuite Self-catered
(weekly college meal)
Goodricke College 44 weeks £189 £8,316
Band 3 Ensuite Self-catered
(weekly college meal)
David Kato College 44 weeks £189 £8,316
Band 3 Shared Bathroom Catered James College 40 weeks £220 £8,800
Band 3 Shared Bathroom Catered Derwent College 40 weeks £220 £8,800
Band 2 Large Shared Bathroom Catered Derwent College 40 weeks £220 £8,800
Band 4 Ensuite Self-catered
(weekly college meal)
Langwith College 44 weeks £206 £9,064
Band 3 Large Ensuite Self-catered
(weekly college meal)
Goodricke College 44 weeks £206 £9,064
Band 4 Ensuite Self-catered
(weekly college meal)
David Kato College 44 weeks £206 £9,064
Band 4 Ensuite Self-catered
(weekly college meal)
Constantine College 44 weeks £206 £9,064
Band 4 Ensuite Self-catered
(weekly college meal)
Anne Lister College 44 weeks £206 £9,064
Band 3 Ensuite Catered Vanbrugh College 38 weeks £241 £9,158
Band 3 Large Shared Bathroom Catered Derwent College 40 weeks £234 £9,360
Band 3 Ensuite Catered Vanbrugh College 40 weeks £238 £9,520
Band 3 Ensuite Catered James College 40 weeks £238 £9,520
Band 4 Large Ensuite Self-catered
(weekly college meal)
Constantine College 44 weeks £224 £9,856

How rents are set 

For information on how we set our accommodation rent prices, you can visit our dedicated web page.

Explore our accommodation

Take a closer look at the accommodation available in each of our colleges, as well as off campus and go on a 360 tour of some of our rooms.