York Award
Let York Award shine a light on everything you've done at university
The York Award is a formal award of the University that demonstrates to employers that you have taken a proactive approach to life at university, and recognises personal and professional development within and outside your programme of study.
Participating in the York Award helps you articulate the positive characteristics you have to offer in a way that appeals to employers and future study providers, and supports your next steps after graduation.
"The York Award is a great way to look back at everything you've done since starting university. It's so easy to rush on by and not take the time to stop and reflect. The York Award helps you do that. It has also helped me stand out in applications and interviews when applying for internships and I look forward to talking more about it when I apply for graduate roles this year!"
- York Award Graduate
Key dates for 2024/25
- Registration & Applications Open for UG & PG Students: REGISTER HERE from Monday 9 December, 10am - after registering you will receive an email confirming enrolment to the York Award VLE module and next steps for you to take
- Registration Close: Tuesday 22 April, 5pm - after which we will not be enrolling anyone to the VLE
- Application Deadline: Thursday 24 April, 11pm - after which we will not be accepting any applications
If you have any questions which have not been answered here or on the Help and Support page, please email us at award
The team run 'Discover York Award' sessions and application drop in clinics across the year. This is a chance to find out more about what the York Award involves, get tips on how to write a good application and have your questions answered!
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University is a place where you are constantly developing skills in every area of your life. Not only are you undertaking your studies, you are also developing as a person and gaining lifetime experiences.
The York Award forms part of Your Career Journey, a resource that helps you make the most of your university experience, review what you have achieved, and move towards a career you'll thrive in. The Award typically takes place in the final stage of your Journey towards the end of your university programme. It provides the opportunity to reflect on the experience and skills you have gained during your time at York, helping you communicate what you have to offer to employers/further study providers.
Need to boost your CV, sell yourself in an interview or present yourself in an application? Then apply for the York Award and gain a formal certificate that makes you stand out from the crowd while building your confidence as you enter the world of work or further study.
Applying for the York Award allows you to practice reflective writing and completing graduate level job applications, while gaining valuable feedback.
Feedback from York Award graduates
"The York Award was a brilliant way to motivate myself to get involved. It's great that I get recognition for all the time I committed to the University and the city of York!"
"Receiving the York Award felt amazing because I finally had some official recognition from the University for all my extracurricular activities. For simply reflecting on how you've developed over the course of your time at York, you get something to put on your CV - what's not to like?"
"Being able to take part in the York Award was a wonderful experience. It allowed me to showcase my strengths, skills and experiences and receive official recognition from the University. As someone who has struggled with learning difficulties in the past, the York Award is a great achievement and is a tremendous asset to have on my CV."
In order to apply for York Award you'll need to:
- Register for the York Award by 5pm on Tuesday 22 April 2025. After this date we will not be accepting any further registrations.
- Take part in York Strengths or York Strengths Online. You can complete a York Strengths assessment by attending a York Strengths Development Session (available to undergraduate first years) or by using the tools in York Strengths Online. You may wish to revisit your strengths assessment before applying for York Award.
- Update and tailor your CV using CareerSet. More help with CVs.
- Demonstrate a range of activity, which includes work experience. 'Work experience' doesn't just mean paid work. Explore the work experience section in the application guidance (link below) for more information.
- Reflect on your experiences and evidence three of your strengths in the way you would to an employer or future study provider.
- Demonstrate personal/professional growth, recognise your achievements and reflect on how your time at York has influenced your career choices and future plans.
- Submit your York Award application on the VLE by 11pm on Thursday 24 April 2025. After this date we will not be accepting any further applications.
We provide detailed guidance on the York Award application process on our webpages (login required). All of this guidance is also contained within the York Award application form.
The York Award is open to undergraduate and postgraduate students. You can start preparing for the York Award from your first day at university by getting involved in different activities to develop your skills and experiences, including York Strengths.
As the York Award is designed to help you reflect on the experiences you gained during your time at York, it is recommended that you apply towards the end of your programme. This ensures that you review all your acquired knowledge and skills in order to best enhance your employability as you enter the world of work and further study.
We encourage undergraduate penultimate year students to apply at the time that is right for them. You can apply early if it would be beneficial to have in place for your final year. For example, applying to graduate training schemes. For most students it is recommended to apply in your final year.
Your Career Journey is there to help and guide you through what you can get involved in during your time at York to best prepare for life after university. There are two main programmes we would encourage you to explore before making an application:
- York Strengths: Taking part in York Strengths can help you find out more about yourself, and how to make the most of what you have to offer. Completing York Strengths will support your application for York Award.
- York Leaders: York Leaders is an exclusive opportunity for undergraduate students who have progressed beyond their first year of study to explore and develop your leadership potential.
What is it?
Every year a prize of £1,000 is awarded to three York Award recipients who are in their undergraduate final year of study. The prizes will recognise the most talented, ambitious and driven students who excel in York Award and have made an impact in the university community or wider society through their activities. The gift has been donated by Sir Malcolm, former University of York Chancellor (2015-2022), and Lady Grant.
Who is eligible to receive the prize?
Final year undergraduate students who have excelled in their York Award applications and have made an impact in the university community or wider society through their activities.
How do I apply?
To apply for this prize, you are required to complete the optional section at the end of the York Award form. You will need to answer one question, detailing how you meet the specific criteria. For more information, please see the York Award application form or attend one of our Discover York Award sessions.
- The prize is open to final year undergraduate students at the University of York and an individual can only receive one Chancellor’s Leadership Prize.
- Any information submitted within the Chancellor’s Leadership Prize section of the York Award Application Form will be anonymised and given to the selection panel for the purpose of judging the awards.
- The selection panel’s decision is final on all matters relating to awarding the Chancellor’s Leadership Prize recipients; no correspondence will be entered into.
- The selection panel reserves the right not to allocate the Chancellor’s Leadership Prize if, in their opinion, there are no entries of sufficient merit. The number of Prizes allocated each year will be at the discretion of the selection panel.
- Decisions will be made based on the overall standard of the applicant’s York Award application and their response to the optional question in Section 5.
- Prize recipients will be expected to share a few words with the prize donor and complete a short form asking for additional information
- Prize recipients will be announced online in University of York publications and on social media.
The first academic year of the York Award was in 1997/8, so we were thrilled to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the York Award in 2023! As part of the 25th Anniversary of the York Award, we organised a Treasure Hunt around Campus and held a “Design a York Award 25th Anniversary banner” competition won by Dasha Sai - take a look at the fantastic winning submission below.
Celebration Event
We held our first Celebration Event to not only celebrate 25 years of the York Award, but also the incredible students who achieved the York Award that year. It was a wonderful way to celebrate 25 years of the York Award and a good way to end the academic year.
This event is now a grand annual tradition of celebration, and you should look forward to participating in it, should you achieve the award!
Discover York Award
The team run 'Discover York Award' sessions and application drop in clinics across the year. This is a chance to find out more about what the York Award involves, get tips on how to write a good application and have your questions answered!
The next Discover York Award session will be on Wednesday 5 February 2025, 2-3pm. Sign up on Handshake now!
Application Guidance
We provide detailed guidance on the York Award application process on our webpages (login required). All of this guidance is also contained within the York Award application form.
For further help and guidance, and for information on how we manage your application, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.
York Award - College Student Leaders celebrates the outstanding contribution our College committees’ make to student life at the University of York. From delivering community-building events, to representing our diverse student body, College Student Leaders are essential in making York’s collegiate system a vibrant, welcoming space for all our students. This enhanced version of York Award celebrates the hard work and dedication every committee leader demonstrates in making a success of their role and supporting their College community.
For 2024/25, York Award - College Student Leaders will take applications from registered students who are current or previous members of their Colleges Student Association Committee or Junior Common Room Committee. Applicants must demonstrate the active role they played in contributing positively to the Committees activities and their role in supporting the wider College community. Please contact college-student-leaders
To apply for York Award - College Student Leaders, you must complete the normal York Award application process. You will have an option during the application process to indicate you are a College Student Leader.
Related links
Handshake careers platform to find jobs, book appointments and message us
Using Handshake - a guide to get you started