Let York Award shine a light on everything you've done at university

The York Award is a formal award of the University that demonstrates to employers that you have taken a proactive approach to life at university, and recognises personal and professional development within and outside your programme of study.


Participating in the York Award helps you articulate the positive characteristics you have to offer in a way that appeals to employers and future study providers, and supports your next steps after graduation.

"The York Award is a great way to look back at everything you've done since starting university. It's so easy to rush on by and not take the time to stop and reflect. The York Award helps you do that. It has also helped me stand out in applications and interviews when applying for internships and I look forward to talking more about it when I apply for graduate roles this year!"
- York Award Graduate

Key dates for 2024/25

  • Registration & Applications Open for UG & PG Students: REGISTER HERE from Monday 9 December, 10am - after registering you will receive an email confirming enrolment to the York Award VLE module and next steps for you to take
  • Registration Close: Tuesday 22 April, 5pm - after which we will not be enrolling anyone to the VLE
  • Application Deadline: Thursday 24 April, 11pm - after which we will not be accepting any applications

If you have any questions which have not been answered here or on the Help and Support page, please email us at award@york.ac.uk


The team run 'Discover York Award' sessions and application drop in clinics across the year. This is a chance to find out more about what the York Award involves, get tips on how to write a good application and have your questions answered!

The next Discover York Award session will be on Wednesday 2 April 2025, 14:00 - 15:00. Sign up on Handshake now!

Related links

Find us on campus

Handshake careers platform to find jobs, book appointments and message us

Using Handshake - a guide to get you started

Eligibility to use Careers services

Related links

Find us on campus

Handshake careers platform to find jobs, book appointments and message us

Using Handshake - a guide to get you started

Eligibility to use Careers services