The option of adding a Year in Enterprise to your degree is available to undergraduates of any discipline in their final year of study. It's an opportunity to innovate, to broaden your experience and develop your business skills.

What is it?

This is a chance for you to get academic credit for having a go at starting your own business. You will remain registered as a student and will have access to a support package for the year to make sure you and your business get the most out of the year. If accepted on the programme, you can start anytime from 1 July, provided you complete nine months of experience before next June. 

The Creative Immersive stream

In partnership with XR Stories and SIGN, we are pleased to announce a new option as part of the Year in Enterprise. You can apply for the Creative Immersive Year in Enterprise, which will include further support including workspaces, access to specialist equipment and additional training sessions aimed at students looking to start business working within immersive industries. For further details please contact 

Who is it for?

Any eligible undergraduate student currently in their final year of study is eligible to apply. For full details, see the FAQ section further down this page.

What about my degree?

Your degree is unaffected by participation in the Year in Enterprise. The only change would be that you would graduate a year later with 'Year in Enterprise' added to your certificate. If you don't complete the Year in Enterprise, you would simply graduate with your existing degree a year later.

What support is on offer?

  • A fee waiver of £1850. This can be a write-off of your fees for the year, or can be given as a cash grant
  • Nine business coaching sessions - these will be with a professional business coach and are designed to help you understand what your business priorities will be
  • Placement supervisor as a point of contact for any academic or welfare issues - they will help you make sure you are learning from the experience
  • Access to free workspace - York Science Park are offering free access to their new incubator, Phase One, where you will work alongside other student businesses and established startups
  • Access to networking events
  • Access to the University's Proof of Concept scheme


2023/24 application process

Please note that the dates will vary slightly each year.

Description, and business model: submit by 16 April

A short narrative description of your business outlining what it will do, who it does it for and why it is likely to succeed. Pitch deck and/or Business/Lean Model Canvas to give overview of the concept.

We'll let you know our decision by 21 April.

Cash flow, supporting evidence: submit by 7 May

A short outline of your motivations for undertaking the programme and what you hope to gain from the experience. A copy of your CV and a cash flow forecast to determine your suitability for the programme.

We'll let you know our decision by 12 May.

Interview with selection group, questions and answers: 15 to 26 May

A ten-minute presentation on both your business concept and your personal capacity to deliver it. This will be followed by around fifteen-minutes of questions and discussions with the

All undergraduate students who are likely to pass their degree are welcome to apply.

Due to the nature of the programme, you must have the right to start a business and study in the UK in order to join. If you are uncertain, please contact the appropriate bodies to confirm your rights as per your visa, we will need confirmation in order for your application to be considered. The International Student Support team will be able to advise you, but please allow plenty of time to make the checks before any deadlines.

There will be one summative assessment in the form of a reflective essay at the end of the year. Throughout the year we will ask you for formative reflective blogs to make sure you're on track with your learning.

You will likely still be eligible for a maintenance loan to contribute towards living costs during your degree. You are also permitted to work part-time during the year. For more advice please visit the student finance pages.

Setting an appropriate price for a good or service can be complicated. Should you be successful, this is something you can discuss with your business coach. For the purpose of the application, take some time to research your market, what consumers are willing to spend, how are competitors priced and what you would need to be profitable. has an article which may be a good starting point for you. 

We'll be running an online event before applications open where you can hear about the application process, the programme and hear from our current delegates. Contact to book your place.

Some of our earlier Year in Enterprise students talked to us about their experience of the programme.

Any other questions?

If you have any other questions, or need advice on the application process, email us at

Applications for 2023 are now closed
If you like the sound of the module and want to apply for the 2024 cohort, email and arrange an appointment to discuss your idea.