Information and advice to help you research and plan your next steps after university.

Got questions? Talk to us.


Useful tools to help you explore your options:

  • York Profiles and Mentors: find out what York graduates do after graduation and contact them with questions
  • Podcast: listen to our What do you actually do? podcast to hear about the realities of different jobs
  • Your Career Journey: use the Career Journey to track career-related activities through your studies

Related links

Find us on campus

Handshake careers platform to find jobs, book appointments and message us

Using Handshake - a guide to get you started

Eligibility to use Careers services

Generate career ideas

Resources, tools and approaches to generating ideas for your career.

Learn about job sectors

Learn about some of the most popular industries, how to get a job in them and what you can do at York to prepare.

Explore further study

Find out about your options with postgraduate and research degrees.

Other options

Related links

Find us on campus

Handshake careers platform to find jobs, book appointments and message us

Using Handshake - a guide to get you started

Eligibility to use Careers services