Career Coaching: Moise

Name: Moise Kanyamibwa
Degree: Mathematics

You graduated in 2021, can you tell us a bit more about what you are doing now (career related)?

Since graduating I have been offered a job as a trainee accountant. This will involve getting the ACA qualification which can be transferrable to a broad range of areas. 

Where were you in relation to your career planning/making applications before you graduated?

When I graduated, I really wasn’t sure about what I wanted to do. I was open to many different career paths. 

We hear you have engaged in career coaching; what did you do, and how did it help?

The careers coaching was integral to me getting a job. Firstly, the coach signposted me to several websites that helped me find something that I wanted to do. This involved using the University of York website to see what career path other York alumni with my degree had taken. Next, the coach gave me support creating my CV and cover letter once I found a job opening, making my application look professional. Finally, I was given a few pointers on how to perform during my interviews. 

Would you recommend career coaching to other students and graduates? 

I would absolutely recommend career coaching to other students and graduates. Whether you are not sure which career path you would like to take or have a specific job you are targeting, the career coach is a massive help! Sometimes, as a recent graduate, you might not have much experience creating a job application to a particular field, but the career coach can give you the advice you need.