Career coaching

A career coach can support you as you plan your next steps whether you are applying for a graduate job or further study. It doesn’t matter where you are in relation to your planning, the coach can help you identify what it is you want to achieve and what you need to do to get there.

"I found the career coaching service so informative, helpful, accessible and student/graduate-focused." Social and Political Sciences student

In addition to the support you can get from Careers and Placements, we are able to offer career coaching to some undergraduates and graduates, subject to certain eligibility requirements.

If you think you might be interested, watch our video and read on to find out more...

If, having read all the above information, you feel you would benefit from career coaching, complete the expression of interest form by clicking on the link.

Career coaching application form

"Whether you are not sure which career path you would like to take or have a specific job you are targeting, the career coach is a massive help!" - Mathematics student