Final Year students - career options

It's never too late in your studies to start thinking about your career options. Browse the links below to find ideas.

Key resources

  • Explore ideas: learn more about the ways of generating career ideas.
  • York Strengths Online: learn more about your strengths and how to find a career suited to them. If you took part in York Strengths in your first year, review your feedback and consider how you've developed since then.
  • York Profiles & Mentors: be inspired by and speak to York graduates.
  • Job sectors: get more detail about some of the popular sectors our graduates work in.
  • What do you actually do? podcast: listen to our careers consultant Kate chat to someone about their job.
  • What can I do with my degree?: get ideas from Prospects about how you can use your degree
  • Further study: information about applying and funding postgraduate study


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