Student Ambassador FAQs

A Student Ambassador is a member of the student body, recruited to the Ambassador scheme, trained and paid for ad hoc hourly work within departments and sections of the University. 

There are a wide range of opportunities and roles to suit a variety of skill sets: Work Opportunities

The Student Ambassador scheme is run by the Marketing, Recruitment, Admissions and Outreach Department (MRAO). If you have questions that aren't answered below, please get in touch:

Undergraduate Student Ambassador job description (PDF , 177kb)

In short, you are an ambassador for the University: in this role, you will use and develop many personal skills that will help you in your future career, for example:

  • Communication
  • Team work
  • Social and cultural awareness
  • Problem solving
  • IT skills
  • Experience creating blogs/vlogs and video captioning  

You can also use your experience as a Student Ambassador as part of your York Award.

Many of our roles are about sharing what you have been through in studying for your A-levels, selecting your course of study and university choice, applying and navigating through the UCAS and application process - and all the elements that come with it.   

So you already have some of the key experiences we are looking for.

Other elements you will need include what you will gain while being here as a student - ie what is it like at University generally, at York in particular, and aspects such as budgeting, studying, balancing work life, finding friends etc.

You will also have mandatory training in other aspects you will need, as well as support from the team if needed.

Roles are advertised in September, but you can register your interest at any time.

When the roles are advertised, you need to complete the application form in full by the deadline.

Each application form is read by our panel who will compare notes and draw up a short list of those to invite to interview.

The interview is designed to be a helpful process for both you and us. Full details of what this will involve and tips will be shared with you to give you time to prepare.   

The interview panel will be made up of the Student Ambassador Administration Team, plus key members of staff who actively use student ambassadors in support roles.

If you are invited to become an ambassador you will need to complete some key checks including the right to work and also a DBS. You will then be set up on our Dashboard system, which will be fully explained to you. You'll receive a Student Ambassador polo shirt and badge which you will be expected to wear when working a shift as an ambassador.  

A programme of training in many key aspects is provided and is a mandatory requirement in being confirmed at a Student Ambassador.  More experienced SAs will also be available to support you at key points as you settle in and to take you through some activities such as campus tours.

You will also receive a briefing before every 'shift' - in other words, each job role you apply for and are assigned to.

All roles/opportunities are advertised to all Student Ambassadors on a weekly basis.

You only apply for the shifts/opportunities you wish to be considered for.

There is no requirement to work a set number of hours so you can fit your Student Ambassador role around both your studies and any other part time jobs you may take up elsewhere.

Absolutely. We love telling employers how fantastic our ambassadors are!